English Publications on Zen 1977-92 <Z> by Urs App to Home Page

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Zen Center of Los Angeles. 1978. The Way of Everyday Life: Zen Master Dôgen's Genjôkôan. Los Angeles: Zen Center of Los Angeles.

Zeuschner, Robert B. 1976. "A Selected Bibliography on Ch'an Buddhism in China". Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3: 299-311.

____________1976. "The Hsien Tsung Chi, An Early Ch'an (Zen) Buddhist Text". Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3: **.

____________1977. An Analysis of the Philosophical Criticisms of Northern Ch'an BuddhismPh. D. dissertation, University of Hawaii.

____________1978. "The Meaning of Hinayana in Northern Chan". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 11, 1: 37-49.

____________1978. "The Understanding of Mind in the Northern Line of Ch'an (Zen)". Philosophy East and West 28: 66-79.

____________1981. "The Understanding of Karma in Early Ch'an Buddhism". Journal of Chinese Philosophy 8: 399-426.

____________1983. "The Concept of li-nien ('being free from thinking') in the Northern Line of Ch'an Buddhism". In: Whalen Lai and Lewis R. Lancaster, eds. Early Ch'an in China and Tibet. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press.

Zürcher, Erik. 1985. "Chinese Ch'an and Confucianism". In: H. Brinker, R. P. Kramers, and C. Ouwehand, eds Zen in China, Japan, and East Asian Art: Papers of the International Symposium on Zen, Zürich University 16. -18. 11. 1982. Bern: Peter Lang.

Zvelebil, K. 1987. "The Sound of the One Hand". Journal of the American Oriental Society 107: 125-126.