English Publications on Zen 1977-92 <F> by Urs App to Home Page

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Faber, Flemming. 1985. "A Tibetan Dunhuang Treatise on Simultaneous Enlightenment: The Dmyigs Su Myed Pa Tshul Gcig Pa'i Gzhung". Acta Orientalia 46: 47-77.

____________1986. "The Council of Tibet According to the sBa bzhed". Acta Orientalia 47: 33-61.

Fader, Larry A. 1976. The Philosophically Significant Western Understandings of D.T. Suzuki's Interpretation of Zen and Their Influence on Occidental Culture Examined Critically in Relation to Suzuki's Thought as Contained in his English Language WritingsPh.D. diss., Temple University.

____________1980. "Arthur Koestler's Criticism of D.T. Suzuki's Interpretation of Zen". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 13, 2: 46-72.

____________1981. "Zen in the West: Historical and Philosophical Implications of the 1893 Chicago World's Parliament of Religions". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 15, 1: 122-145.

Faure, Bernard. 1985. "Looking Back at the Zen Tradition". In: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

____________1986. "Bodhidharma as Textual and Religious Paradigm". History of Religions 25, 3: 187-198.

____________1986. "The Concept of One-Practice Samâdhi (i-hsing san-mei) in Early Ch'an". In: Peter N. Gregory, ed. Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism, 99-128. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1987. "The Daruma-shû, Dôgen and Sôtô Zen". Monumenta Nipponica 42, 1: 25-55.

____________1987. "Space and Place in Chinese Religious Tradition". History of Religions 26, 4: 337-356.

____________1991. "Alternative Images of Pilgrimage: Sung shan and Ts'ao-hsi". In: Susan Naquin and Chün-fang Yü, eds. Pilgrimage and Sacred Sites in China. Berkeley: University of California Press.

____________1991. The Rhetoric of Immediacy: A Cultural Critique of Chan/Zen Buddhism.. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

____________. Forthcoming. Chan Insights and Oversights. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Feng, Youlang. 1989. "On the Chan Sect". Chinese Studies in Philosophy 20, 2: 3-38.

Fenton, John Y. 1981. "Mystical Experience as a Bridge for a Cross-Cultural Philosophy of Religion: A Critique". Journal of the American Academy of Religion 49: 51-76.

Fields, Rick. 1986. How the Swans Came to the Lake; A Narrative History of Buddhism in America. Boulder: Shambhala.

Fischer-Schreiber, Ingrid (Buddhism); Ehrhard, Franz-Karl (Tibetan Buddhism); Diener, Michael S. (Zen); Friedrichs, Kurt (Hinduism); Schuhmacher, Stephan and Gert Woerner (eds). 1989. The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism. Taoism, Zen, Hinduism. Boston: Shambhala.

Fischer-Schreiber, Ingrid (Buddhism); Ehrhard, Franz-Karl (Tibetan Buddhism); Diener, Michael S. (Zen); The Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen. 1991. The Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen. Boston: Shambhala.

Fisher, John F. 1978. "Analysis of the Koans in the Mu Mon Kwan". Numen 25: 65-76.

Fittipaldi, Silvio E. 1978. "Buddhist Sutras and Enlightenment in Contemporary Zen". Horizons 5:185-201.

____________1980. "The Zen of Ethics". In: Gaffney, James, ed. Essays in Morality and Ethics. New York: Paulist Press.

____________1982. "Zen-Mind, Christian-Mind, Empty-Mind". Journal of Ecumenical Studies 19: 69-84.

Fo Kuang Shan Monastery. 1990. Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. . Taiwan: Fo Kuang Publisher.

Fontaine, Carol. 1984. "Brightening up the Mindworks: Concepts of Instruction in Biblical Wisdom and Rinzai Zen". Religious Education 79: 590-600.

Forman, Robert. 1988. Constructivism in Sôtô Zen Buddhism, Paramârtha to Meister EckhartPh. D. diss., Columbia University.

Foster, Paul. 1980. . The Beckettian Impasse: A Zen Study of Ontological Dilemma in the Novels of Samuel Beckett Ph.D. diss., University of Heidelberg.

Foulk, Theodore Griffith. 1987. The "Ch'an School" and its Place in the Buddhist Monastic Tradition. Ph. D. dissertation, University of Michigan.

____________Unpublished. "Zen Buddhist Ceremony and Ritual".

____________1988. "The Zen Institution in Modern Japan". In: Kenneth Kraft, ed. Zen: Tradition and Transition: A Sourcebook by Contemporary Zen Masters and Scholars. New York: Grove Press.

____________Unpublished. "Ch'an Monastic Practice, 700-1300".

____________1991. "The Daily Life in the Assembly (Ju-chung jih-yung) and Its Place Among Ch'an and Zen Monastic Rules". Ten Directions 12.1: 25-34.

____________1993. "Ineffable Words, Unmentionable Deeds". Monumenta Nipponica 47,4: 521-526.

____________1933. "Myth, Ritual, and Monastic Practice in Sung Ch'an Buddhism". In: Patricia B. Ebrey and Peter N. Gregory, eds Religion and Society in T'ang and Sung China. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________. Forthcoming. "The Ch'an Tsung in Medieval China: School, Lineage, or What?". Pacific World .

____________. Forthcoming. "The Sinification of Buddhist Monasticism" . University of Pennsylvania 44th Annual South Asia Seminar Conference Annals .

____________. Forthcoming. "Issues in the Field of Asian Buddhist Studies: An Extended Review of 'Sudden and Gradual: Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought'". Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies .

____________. Work in progress. "Japanese Views of Zen Institutions in Sung China". In: Welter, Albert F., and John McRae, eds. Creating the World of Zen: The Transmission of Sung Dynasty Ch'an Buddhism Throughout East Asia.

Foulk, T. Griffith, and Robert H. Sharf. 1993. "On the Ritual Use of Ch'an Portraiture". Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 7: 149-220.

Fox, Alan. 1988. Elements of Omnicontextual Thought in Chinese Buddhism: Annotated Translations of Gui Feng Zong Mi's Preface to Collection of Various Writings on the Chan Source and his Commentary on the Meditative Approaches to the Hua Yen Dharmadhatu"Ph.D. diss., Temple University.

Franck, Frederick. 1983. The Supreme Koan. New York: Crossroads Publishing.

____________1988. "Notes on the Koan". Parabola 13: 33-39.

____________1990. "On the Criteria of Being Human". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 23, 2: 122-135.

Friedman, Lenore. 1987. Meetings with Remarkable Women. Buddhist Teachers in America. Boston & London: Shambhala.

Fu, Charles Wei-hsun. 1990. "A Philosophic/Hermeneutic Inquiry Into the Multidimensional of Hui-neng's Ch'an Teaching". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers.

Fujiyoshi, Jikai. 1983. "From Japanese Zen to F.A.S. Zen". In: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

____________1985. "Zen in the Contemporary World". In: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

Fuller, Winston. 1987. "Zen and the Practice of Art as a Spiritual Discipline". Studia Mystica 10: 39-60.

Furuta, Shôkin. 1977. "Glimpses of the Life and Poetry of Ryokan". Chanoyu Quarterly 20: 7-14.

____________1979. "Sengai: Among Cherry Blossoms, Rivers, and Willows". Chanoyu Quarterly 22: 49-59.