English Publications on Zen 1977-92 <M> by Urs App to Home Page

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MacFarland, H. Neill. 1985. "'If You Meet The Patriarch, Kill Him.' Dispensing With Bodhidharma". Japanese Religions 14,1: 13-27.

MacInnis, Donald E. 1989. Religion in China Today: Policy and Practice. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.

MacPhillamy, Douglas J. 1986. "Some Personality Effects of Long-Term Zen Monasticism and Religious Understanding". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 25,3: 304-319.

Maezumi, Hakuyu Taizan. 1976. On Zen Practice: Foundations of Practice. Los Angeles: Zen Center of Los Angeles.

____________1977. On Zen Practice II: Body, Breath and Mind. Los Angeles: Zen Center of Los Angeles.

____________1978. The Way of Everyday Life. Zen Master Dôgen's Genjôkôan with Commentary. Los Angeles: Zen Center of Los Angeles.

____________1978. The Hazy Moon of Enlightenment. On Zen Practice III. Los Angeles: Zen Center of Los Angeles.

____________1978. To Forget the Self: An Illustrated Guide to Zen Meditation. Los Angeles: Zen Center of Los Angeles.

Manickam, P. Kambar. 1981. "Yoga, Zen and Psychotherapy: Their Relevance for Pastoral Counseling". Japanese Religions 11,4: 14-32.

Maraldo, John C. 1981. "The Hermeneutics of Practice in Dôgen and Francis of Assisi: An Exercise in Buddhist-Christian Dialogue". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 14, 2: 22-46.

____________1983. "What Do We Study When We Study Zen?". In: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

____________1985. "Is there Historical Consciousness within Ch'an?". Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 12, 2-3: 141-172.

____________1985. "The Practice of Body-Mind: Dôgen's Shinjingakudô and Comparative Philosophy". In: LaFleur, William, ed. Dôgen Studies. Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1986. "Zen and Critical Thinking". In: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

____________1992. "Practice, Samâdhi, Realization: Three Innovative Interpretations by Nishitani Keiji". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 25, 1: 8-20.

____________. Forthcoming. "Why Doesn't Dôgen Say What He Means? Intertextuality in a Medieval Zen Master's Writing". In: Steven Heine and Charles Fu, eds. Japan in Traditional and Postmodern Perspectives. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Masunaga, Reihô. . . **. A Primer of Sôtô Zen. A Translation of Dôgen's Shôbôgenzô Zuimonki. London: **.

Matthiessen, Peter. 1987. Nine-Headed Dragon River. Boston & London: Shambhala.

McDaniel, Jay. 1980. "Zen and the Self". Process Studies 10: 110-119.

____________1984. "Zen Buddhism and Prophetic Christianity". Encounter 45: 303-323.

McFarland, H. Neill. 1987. Daruma: The Founder of Zen in Japanese Art and Popular Culture. Tokyo and New York: Kodansha International.

McKinley, Arnold F. 1989. From Sati to Wu-hsin: A Thousand Years of Change in the Notion of Mind from Early Buddhism to Early Ch'anM.A. thesis, The Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley.

McRae, John R. 1983. The Northern School of Chinese Ch'an BuddhismPh.D. dissertation, Yale.

____________1983. "The Ox-head School of Chinese Buddhism: From Early Ch'an to the Golden Age" (R. M. Gimello and P. N. Gregory, eds). In: Studies in Ch'an and Hua-yen. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press & Kuroda Institute.

____________1986. The Northern School and the Formation of Early Ch'an Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1987. "Shen-hui and the Teaching of Sudden Enlightenment in Early Chan Buddhism" (Peter N. Gregory, ed). In: Sudden and Gradual Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1988. "Ch'an Commentaries on the Heart Sûtra: Preliminary Inferences on the Permutation of Chinese Buddhism". Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 11, no. 2: 87-115.

____________1988. "The Story of Early Ch'an" (Kenneth Kraft, ed). In: Zen: Tradition and Transition. New York: Grove Press.

____________1989. "Report: The Platform Sûtra in Religious and Cultural Perspective". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 22, 2: 130-135.

____________1990. "The Legend of Hui-neng and the Mandate of Heaven". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers.

____________1992. "Encounter Dialogue and the Transformation of the Spiritual Path in Chinese Ch'an" (Robert E. Buswell, Jr., and Robert M. Gimello, eds). In: Paths to Liberation: The Mârga and its Transformations in Buddhist Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1993. "Yanagida Seizan's Landmark Works on Chinese Ch'an". Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 7: 51-104.

____________1993. Evangelical Zen: Shen-hui (684-758), Sudden Enlightenment and the Southern School of Chinese Ch'an Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________. Forthcoming. "A Bibliography of Recent Secondary Literature on Chinese Buddhism". Journal of Asian Studies .

McRae, John R., and Jackie Armijo-Hussein et al. 1989. "The Historical Legacy of Religion in China: Report on a Workshop Held at Harvard University. ". Journal of Chinese Religions 17 (Fall 1989): 61-116.

Melville, James. 1979. The Wages of Zen. London: Secker and Warburg.

Mercer, Calvin. 1988. "Sudden Incongruity in Zen Buddhist Kôans and the Parables and Proverbs of Jesus". Japanese Religions 15: 55-68.

Merwin, W. S., and Shigematsu, Sôiku. 1989. Sun at Midnight, Poems and Sermons by Musô Soseki. San Francisco: North Point Press.

Merzel, Dennis Gempo. 1991. The Eye Never Sleeps. Striking to the Heart of Zen. Boston & London: Shambhala.

Miklós, Pál. 1991. "Hungarian Publications on Zen / Ch'an". Newsletter of the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism 2: 23.

Mitchell, Donald W. 1980. "Faith in Zen Buddhism". International Philosophical Quarterly 20,2: 183-197.

Miyuki, Mokusen. 1977. "The Psychodynamics of Buddhist Meditation: A Jungian Perspective". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 10, 2: 155-168.

Moles, Edward A. 1977. Zen Meditation. A Study of Regression in the Service of the EgoPh.D. diss., California School of Professional Psychology.

Morinaga, Sôkô. 1985. Pointers to Insight (trans. by Jim Stokes). London: The Zen Centre.

____________1988. The Ceasing of Notions. A Zen Text from the Tun-huang Caves. With a Commentary by Soko Morinaga Roshi (trans. by Ursula Jarand). London: The Zen Centre.

____________1988. "My Struggle to Become a Zen Monk" (trans. by Jim Stokes). In: Kenneth Kraft, ed. Zen: Tradition and Transition: A Sourcebook by Contemporary Zen Masters and Scholars, 13-29. New York: Grove Press.

Morreale, Don, ed. 1988. Buddhist America. Centers, Retreats, Practices. Santa Fe: John Muir Publications.

Morris, Stephen. 1991. "Beyond Christianity: Transcendentalism and Zen". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 24, 2: 33-68.

Mountain, Marian. 1982. The Zen Environment: The Impact of Zen Meditation. New York: W. Morrow.

Mu, Soeng. 1987. Thousand Peaks: Korean Zen--Tradition and Teachers. Berkeley: Parallax Press.

Mukherjee, Padmaruchi. 1985. "The Role of Samâdhi in Pâtañjala Yoga and Dôgen's Zen". In: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

Mullins, Mark R. 1983. "The Worldview of Zen". Update 7,4: 46-61.