English Publications on Zen 1977-92 <D> by Urs App to Home Page

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Dalia, Albert A.. . Forthcoming. A Lotus in the Ice: The Life and Times of the Chinese Buddhist Monk Fa-Jung (594-657). Albany: State University of New York Press.

Dauenhauer, Richard. 1978. "Some Notes on Zen Buddhist Tendencies in Modern Finnish Poetry". In: Dauenhauer, Richard, and Philip Binham, eds Snow in May: An Anthology of Finnish Writing, 1945-1972. Fairleigh: Dickerson University Press.

Daw, Muriel. 1983. "Christmas Humphreys, 1901-1983: A Pioneer of Buddhism in the West". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 16: 134-139.

Dean, Thomas. 1989-90. "Masao Abe's 'Zen and Western Thought'". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 22, 2: 48-77; 23, 1: 79-113.

DeMartino, Richard. 1981. "The Zen Understanding of the Initial Nature of Man". In: ed. by Nathan Katz Buddhist and Western Philosophy. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

____________1981. "On My First Coming to Meet Dr. Hisamatsu Shin'ichi". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 14, 1: 113-116.

____________Unpublished. "Dialogues, East and West: Paul Tillich and Hisamatsu Shin'ichi".

____________1983. "On Zen Communication".. Communication 8,1: 13-28.

____________1983. "The Human Situation and Zen Buddhism" . In: edited by Nathan Katz Buddhist and Western Psychology. Boulder: Prajña Press.

____________1986. "On My First Coming to Meet Dr. D.T. Suzuki". In: Abe, Masao, ed. A Zen Life: D.T. Suzuki Remembered. New York and Tokyo: Weatherhill.

____________Unpublished. "D. T. Suzuki, Oriental Thought and the West".

____________1991. "Karen Horney, Daisetz T. Suzuki, and Zen Buddhism". American Journal of Psychoanalysis 51,3: **.

____________1992. "Some Thoughts on the Thought of Nishitani Keiji". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 25, 1: 21-27.

DeMartino, Richard, and Ken Kramer. Forthcoming. Work in progress. "Two Perspectives on Self-Emptying: A Zen-Catholic Dialogue". .

Demiéville, Paul. 1985. Buddhism and Healing: Demiéville's Article "ByôÓ from Hôbôgirin. (trans. Mark Tatz). Lanham: University Press of America.

____________. "The Mirror of the Mind". In: Peter N. Gregory, ed. Sudden and Gradual: Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought, 13-40. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Deshimaru, Taisen. 1979. The Voice of the Valley. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill.

____________1983. The Zen Way to the Martial Arts. London: Rider.

____________1985. Questions to a Zen Master(Tr. and ed. by Nancy Amphoux). London: Rider.

____________1987. The Ring of the Way. Testament of a Zen Master. London: Rider.

Dodd, Jeremy. 1980. "Zen Through Art". Japan Society of London Bulletin 28,3: 280-285.

Doherty, Gerald. 1979. "The World that Shines and Sounds: W.B. Yeats and Daisetz Suzuki". In: Bowen, Jack, ed. . : University of Delaware Press.

Donner, Neal. 1977. "The Mahayanization of the Chinese Dhyana Tradition". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 10,2: 49-64.

Dubs, John Gregson. 1987. Acquisition of a Novel View of Reality: A Study of Psycho-Spiritual Development in Zen BuddhismPh.D. diss., University of Michigan.

____________1987. "Psycho-spiritual Development in Zen Buddhism. A Study of Resistance in Meditation". Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 19,1: 19-86.

Dumoulin, Heinrich. 1978. "The Western View of Zen". Young East 4,3: 422-438 .

____________1979. Zen Enlightenment. Origins and Meaning (trans. John Maraldo ). Tokyo & New York: Weatherhill.

____________1983. "Zen". Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan .

____________1984. "The Person in Buddhism: Religious and Artistic Aspects". Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2, 2-3: 143-167.

____________1982. Zen in China, Japan, and East Asian Art: Papers of the International Symposium on Zen, Zürich University, 16. -18. 11 (Brinker, H., R. P. Kramers, and C. Ouwehand, eds). Bern: Peter Lang.

____________1988. Zen Buddhism: A History -- Volume 1 India and China. . New York: Macmillan.

____________1990. Zen Buddhism: A History --Volume 2 Japan. New York: Macmillan.

____________1992. Zen Buddhism in the 20th Century (trans. by Joseph O'Leary). New York: Weatherhill.

Dürckheim, Karlfried. 1987. Zen and Us (tr. by Vincent Nash). New York: E.P. Dutton.

Dutt, Denise M. 1983. An Integration of Zen Buddhism and the Study of Person and EnvironmentPh. D. diss., California Institute of Integral Studies.