English Publications on Zen 1977-92 <S> by Urs App to Home Page

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Salajan, Ioanna. 1974. Zen Comics. Rutland, Vt. / Tokyo: Tuttle.

____________1982. Zen Comics. Vol. 2. Rutland, Vt. / Tokyo: Tuttle.

Sangharakshita, Maha Sthavira. 1985. The Essence of Zen. Glasgow: Windhorse Publications.

Sano, K. 1987. "Pain and Japanese Zen" (Brihaye, J., F. Loew, and H.W. Pia, eds). In: Pain: A Medical and Anthropological Challenge. Wien: Springer Verlag.

Sakamoto, Hiroshi. 1977. "D.T. Suzuki and Mysticism". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 10, 1: 54-67.

____________1978. "D.T. Suzuki as a Philosopher". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 11, 2: 33-42.

____________1983. "The Voicing of the Way: Dôgen's Shôbôgenzô Dôtoku". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 16, 1: 90-106.

Sanford, James H. 1973. Ikkyû Sôjun: A Zen Monk of Fifteenth Century JapanPh. D. diss., Harvard University.

____________1977. "Shakuhachi Zen: The Fukeshû and KomusôÓ. Monumenta Nipponica 32, 4: 411-440.

____________1980. "Mandalas of the Heart: Two Prose Works by Ikkyû Sôjun". Monumenta Nipponica 35, 3: 273-298.

____________1981. Zen-Man Ikkyû. Chico, California: Scholars Press.

____________1983. "Ikkyû (1394-1481)". In: Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. Tokyo: Kodansha International.

Santina, Peter Della. 1990. "Shen-shiu and Hui-neng from the Perspective of Indian Buddhist Religious Culture". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers.

Sasaki, Ruth Fuller, trans. 1975. The Recorded Sayings of Ch'an Master Lin-chi Hui-chao of Chen Prefecture. Kyoto: The Institute for Zen Studies.

Sasaki, Ruth Fuller, Yoshitaka Iriya, and Dana R. Fraser. 1976. A Man of Zen: The Recorded Sayings of Layman P'ang. New York/Tokyo: Weatherhill.

Sawada, Janine A., trans. 1991. "'No Eye: A Word to the Wise': Teshima Toan's Commentary on Ikkyû's Mizu Kagami". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 24, 2: 98-122.

____________. Forthcoming. Confucian Values and Popular Zen: Sekimon Shingaku in Eighteenth-Century Japan.. Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press.

Sayama, Mike K. 1982. Mushin, The Highest State of Consciousness in Zen BuddhismPh.D. diss., University of Michigan.

Schellin, P. 1982. "Zen in Art Education". In: Gowwen, E.L., ed. Philosophy of Education. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University.

Schloegl, Irmgard, trans. 1975. The Zen Teaching of Rinzai. Berkeley: Shambhala.

Schloegl, Irmgard. 1977. The Zen Way. London: The Zen Centre.

Schloegl, Irmgard, trans. 1984. "Study and Practice". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 17, 1: 27-41.

____________n.d. Gentling the Bull. The Ten Bull Pictures. A Spiritual Journey. London: The Zen Centre.

Schmidt, J. D. 1974. "Ch'an, Illusion, and Sudden Enlightenment in the Poetry of Yang Wang li". T'oung Pao 60, 4-5: 230-281.

Schlütter, Morten. 1989. "A Study in the Genealogy of the Platform Sûtra". Studies in Central and East Asian Religions 53-114.

____________1990. "On the Genealogy and Evolution of the Platform Sutra". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers.

Schuhmacher, Stephan, and Gert Woerner, eds. 1989. Rider Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism, Taoism, Zen, Hinduism. London: Rider.

Schürmann, Reiner. 1978. "Loss of the Origin in Sôtô Zen and Meister Eckhart". The Thomist 42: 281-312.

Schwaller, Dieter. Forthcoming. Work in Progress. "Ingen's Last Admonitions". .

Schwaller, Dieter, and Urs App. 1990. "Recent Publications about Zen in German". Newsletter of the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism 2: 17-18.

Seckel, Dietrich. 1983. "Zen Art" (H. Brinker, R. P. Kramers, and C. Ouwehand, eds). In: Zen in China, Japan, and East Asian Art: Papers of the International Symposium on Zen, Zürich University, 16. -18. 11. 1982, **. Bern: Peter Lang.

Seidel, Anna. . Forthcoming. "Denne". Hôbôgirin .

Sekida, Katsuki. 1977. Two Zen Classics. Mumonkan and Hekiganroku. New York: Weatherhill.

Sellman, James. 1979. "The Koan: A Language Game". Indian Philosophical Quarterly 7 (supp.): 1-9.

Seo, Kyung-bo (So Kyongbo). 1979 [1970]. "A Study of Korean Zen Buddhism Approached through the Chodangjip"Ph. D. diss., Temple University, 1970.

____________. "Characteristics of Korean Zen". Korea Journal 12, 5: 29-36.

Senzaki, Nyogen et al. 1976. Namu Daibosa: A Transmission of Zen to America. New York: **.

Senzaki, Nyogen, and Paul Reps. 1977. Zen: A Pathway to Enlightenment. Burbank, CA.: Ohara Publishers.

Senzaki, Nyogen, and Ruth Strout-McCandless. 1987. Buddhism and Zen. San Francisco: North Point Press.

Seung, Sahn. 1982. Only Don't Know: The Teaching Letters of Zen Master Seung Sahn. San Francisco: Four Seasons Foundation.

____________1992. The Whole World is a Single Flower. 365 Kong-ans for Everyday Life. Rutland VT and Tokyo: Tuttle.

Shaku, Soyen. 1987 [1906]. Zen for Americans (tr. by D.T. Suzuki). New York: Dorset Press.

Shaner, David Edward. 1985. "The Body-Mind Experience in Dôgen's Shôbôgenzô; A Phenomenological Perspective". Philosophy East and West 35: 17-38.

____________1985. The Body-Mind Experience in Japanese Buddhism: A Phenomenological Study of Kûkai and Dôgen. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Shapiro, Diane H. 1978. "Instructions for a Training Package Combining Formal and Informal Zen Meditation with Behavioral Self-Control". Psychologia 21,2: 70-76.

Sharf, Robert H. Unpublished. "Being Buddha: A Performative Approach to Ch'an Enlightenment".

____________1991. The 'Treasure Store Treatise' (Pao-tsang lun) and the Sinification of Buddhism in Eighth-Century ChinaPh. D. dissertation, University of Michigan.

____________1992. "The Idolization of Enlightenment: On the Mummification of Ch'an Masters in Medieval China". History of Religions 32, 1: 1-31.

Shaw, Miranda. 1985. "Nature in Dôgen's Philosophy and Poetry". Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 8,2: 111-132.

Sheng-Yen. 1987. The Poetry of Enlightenment. Poems by Ancient Ch'an Masters. Elmhurst, NY: Dharma Drum Publications.

____________1987. Faith in Mind: A Guide to Ch'an Practice. Elmhurst, N.Y.: Dharma Drum Publications.

____________1988. Ox Herding at Morgan's Bay. Elmhurst, NY: Dharma Drum Publications.

____________1988. "Zen Meditation". In: Kenneth Kraft, ed. Zen: Tradition and Transition: A Sourcebook by Contemporary Zen Masters and Scholars. New York: Grove Press.

____________1989. Getting the Buddha Mind: On the Practice of Ch'an Retreat (2nd ed.). Elmhurst, N.Y.: Dharma Drum Publications.

____________1990. The Infinite Mirror; Ts'ao-tung Ch'an: Commentaries on Inquiry into Matching Halves, and Song of the Precious Mirror Samâdhi. Elmhurst, N.Y.: Dharma Drum Publications.

____________1991. The Sword of Wisdom; Commentary on the Song of Enlightenment. Elmhurst, N.Y.: Dharma Drum Publications.

Shibata, Masumi. . "The Diary of a Zen Layman: The Philosopher Nishida KitarôÓ. Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 14, 2: 121-136.

Shibayama Zenkei. 1974. Zen Comments on the Mumonkan. New York: Mentor Books.

____________1987. "One-word gates: ro, kan, jaku, kan". Chanoyu Quarterly 50: 7-22.

____________1988. A Flower Does Not Talk (tr. by Sumiko Kudo). Rutland & Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle.

Shigematsu Sôiku, trans. 1981. A Zen Forest. Sayings of the Masters. New York: Weatherhill.

____________1988. A Zen Harvest: Japanese Folk Zen Sayings, Haiku, Dodoitsu, and Waka. San Francisco: North Point Press.

Shigematsu Sôiku. 1989. "The Heart of Hakuin's Zen Folk Sayings" (trans. by Thomas Kirchner). Chanoyu Quarterly 60: 17-42.

Shih, Heng-ching. 1984. The Ch'an-Pure Land Synthesis in China: With Special Reference to Yung-ming Yen-shouPh. D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

____________1987. "Yung-ming's Syncretism of Pure Land and Ch'an". Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 10, 1: 117-134.

Shim, Jae Ryong. 1979. The Philosophical Foundation of Korean Zen Buddhism: The Integration of Son and Kyo by Chinul (1158-1210)Ph. D. dissertation University of Hawaii.

____________1982. "Son Buddhist Tradition in Korea as Represented by Chinul's Pojo Son". Korea Journal 21, 8: 14-31.

Shimano, Eido T. 1978. Golden Wind: Zen Talks. Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.: Japan Publishers.

____________1988. "Zen Kôans". In: Kenneth Kraft, ed. Zen: Tradition and Transition: A Sourcebook by Contemporary Zen Masters and Scholars, 70-87. New York: Grove Press.

____________1990. "The Sudden/Gradual Controversy in Contemporary Korea and the Platform Sutra". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers.

____________1991. Points of Departure. Zen Buddhism with a Rinzai View. Livingston Manor, NY: The Zen Studies Society Press.

Shimizu, Yoshiaki. 1983. "Zen Art?" (H. Brinker, R. P. Kramers, and C. Ouwehand, eds). In: Zen in China, Japan, and East Asian Art: Papers of the International Symposium on Zen, Zürich University, 16. -18. 11. 1982, **. Bern: Peter Lang.

Shimomura, Toratarô. 1986. "D.T. Suzuki's Place in the History of Human Thought" (trans. by Jeff Shore). In: Abe, Masao, ed. A Zen Life: D.T. Suzuki Remembered. New York and Tokyo: Weatherhill.

Shin, Nan (pseud.). 1988. Diary of a Zen Nun. Every Day Living. New York: E.P. Dutton.

Shinohara, Koichi. 1988. "Two Sources of Chinese Buddhist Biographies: Stupa inscriptions and Miracle Stories" (Phyllis Granoff and Koichi Shinohara, eds). In: In Monks and Magicians: Religious Biographies in Asia. Oakville / New York / London: Mosaic Press.

____________1990. "Daoxuan's Collection of Miracle Stories about Supernatural Monks' (Shenseng gantong lu): An Analysis of Its Sources". Chung-hwa Buddhist Journal No.3 (April, 1990): 319-379.

____________. Forthcoming. "Ta-hui's Instruction to Tseng K'ai: Buddhist 'Freedom' in the Neo-Confucian Context" (edited by Irene Bloom and Joshua Fogel). In: DeBary Festschrift (Forthcoming).

____________. Forthcoming. "'Biographies of Eminent Monks' in a Comparative Perspective: The Function of the Holy in Medieval Chinese Buddhism". Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal 5.

Shore, Jeff. 1990. "The Flame Extinguished". Zenvâgen 42: 16-26.

____________1991. "Japanese Zen and the West: Beginnings". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Shan.

____________1992. "The Body in Chan/Zen Buddhism". F.A.S. Society Journal 83-94.

____________. Forthcoming. "International Society and Education: A Zen Buddhist View of Liberation". Hanazono University Journal of Human Rights .

____________Forthcoming. Work in progress. English translation of Akizuki Ryômin's Kôan: Jissenteki Zen nyûmon. .

Sidoe, Ellen, ed. 1987. A Gathering of Spirit: Women Teaching in American Buddhism. Providence, R.I.: Primary Point Press.

Sim, Chae-Ryong. 1979-1980. "The Philosophical Foundation of Korean Zen Buddhism: The Integration of Son and Kyo by Chinul (1158 1210)". Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 50: 109-165 and 51: 9-53.

____________1981. "Son Buddhist Tradition in Korea; As Presented by Chinul's Pojo Son". Korea Journal 21,8: 14-31.

Singh, Lalan P. and Sirisena, B.M. 1988. Zen Buddhism: An Analysis and Reflection. New York: Envoy Press.

____________1988. Zen Buddhism. London: Oriental University Press.

Slipper, Charles C. 1984. Mystic Cognition in Zen Buddhism and in Christianity. A Study of D.T. Suzuki and St. John of the CrossPh.D. diss., University of Lancaster.

Smith, Huston. 1983. "Spiritual Discipline in Zen and Comparative Perspective". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 16, 2: 9-25.

Smith, Rosemary D. 1977. The Zen Connection. Hawthorne, CA.: Omni.

Snelling, John. 1987. The Buddhist Handbook. London: Century.

S¿rensen, Henrik Hjort. 1983. "The Life and Thought of the Korean Son Master Kyongho". Korean Studies 7: 7-33.

____________1985. "On the Songa Kugam by Sosan Taesa". Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference (AKSE , 10-15 April, Chantilly, France) 273-286.

____________1986. "The Hsin-ming Attributed to Niu-t'ou Fa-jung". Journal of Chinese Philosophy 13: 101-120.

____________1987. The History and Doctrines of Early Korean Son BuddhismPh. D. diss., University of Copenhagen.

____________1988. "The Life and Times of the Ch'an Master Yün-men Wen-yen". Acta Orientalia 49: 105-131.

____________1988. "The Conflict Between Son and Doctrinal Buddhism in Unified Silla". East Asian Institute (Copenhagen) Occasional Papers 2: 61-79.

____________1988. "The Contents of Chinul's Son Seen in Relation to the Nine Mountain Schools". Pojo sasang yongu hye (Songgwang Sa) 1-16.

____________1989. "Observations on the Characteristics of the Chinese Chan Manuscripts from Dunhuang". Studies in Central and East Asian Religions 2: 115-139.

____________1991. "A Study of the Ox-Herding Theme as Sculptures at Baoding Shan in Dazu, Sichuan". Artibus Asiae 51,4: 207-233.

____________. Forthcoming. "On Esoteric Practices in Korean Son Buddhism During the Choson Period". In: (Festschrift for Prof. Han Kidu).

____________. Work in progress. Resting Quietly in Pure Emptiness: The Life and Teachings of the Korean Son Buddhist Master Chongho Hyujong (1520-1604)..

Soulsby, Marlene Pilarcik. 1988. "Zen and the Way of Reading Hermann Hesse's Das Glasperlenspiel". Studia Mystica 11,1: 3-17.

Stambaugh, Joan. 1978. "Time-Being: East and West". Young East 4, l: 12-18.

____________1990. Impermanence is Buddha-Nature: Dôgen's Understanding of Temporality. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Steffney, John. 1977. "Non-being-Being versus the Non-being of Being: Heidegger's Ontological Difference with Zen Buddhism". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 10, 2: 65-75.

____________1977. "Transmetaphysical Thinking of Heidegger and Zen Buddhism". Philosophy East and West 27, 3: 323-335.

____________1980. Heidegger and Zen: A Study in RadicalizationPh.D. diss., Temple University.

____________1981. "Man and Being in Heidegger and Zen Buddhism". Philosophy Today 25: 46-54.

____________1981. "Mind and Metaphysics in Heidegger and Zen Buddhism". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 14, 1: 61-74.

____________1985. "Nothingness and Death in Heidegger and Zen Buddhism". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 18, 1: 90-104.

____________1990. "Conflict, the Unconscious and Psychotherapeutic Method in Freud and Zen Buddhism". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 23, 2: 87-105.

Stein, Hans Joachim. 1988. Kyûdô. The Art of Zen Archery. Longmead: Element Books.

Stein, Rolf A. 1987 [1977]. "Sudden Illumination or Simultaneous Comprehension: Remarks on Chinese and Tibetan Terminology". In: Peter N. Gregory, ed. Sudden and Gradual: Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought, 41-65. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Stevens, John. 1977. One Robe, One Bowl: The Zen Poetry of Ryokan. New York & Tokyo: Weatherhill.

____________1984. The Sword of No-Sword. Life of the Master Warrior Tesshu. Boulder, CO.: Shambhala.

____________1985. "The Lively Zen Art of Hakuin". East 21,1: 59-63.

____________1981. "The Appreciation of Zen Art". Arts of Asia 16: 68-81.

____________1981. Sacred Calligraphy of the East. Bolder CO.: Shambhala.

Strenski, Ivan. 1980. "Gradual Enlightenment, Sudden Enlightenment and Empiricism". Philosophy East and West 30,1: 3-20.

Stryk, Lucien. 1980. "Zen Literature; Wasting Not, Wanting Not". North American Review 265: 4-7.

____________1981. Encounters with Zen: Writings on Poetry and Zen. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press.

Stryk, Lucien, and Takashi Ikemoto, trans. 1981. The Penguin Book of Zen Poetry. London: Penguin.

____________1981. The Crane's Bill: Zen Poems of China and Japan. New York: Grove Press.

Suh, Ton-kak, and Tae-young Lee. 1990. "Some Reflections on the Life of the Indian Buddhist Monk Chigong". Korea Journal 29, 6: 29-32.

Suler, John R. 1989. "Paradox in Psychological Transformations: The Zen Koan and Psychotherapy". Psychologia 32,4: 221-229.

Sung Bae Park. 1983. Buddhist Faith and Sudden Enlightenment. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Supa, Sunim. 1984-85. "Zen Pilgrimage [in Korea]". Spring Wind 4,4: 87-96.

Suzuki, Daisetz T. 1976. "Dôgen, Hakuin, Bankei: Three Types of Thought in Japanese Buddhism". Eastern Buddhist (n. s. ) 9, 1: 1-17; 9, 2: 1-20.

____________1978. "Zen hyakudai. 'One Hundred Zen Topics". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 11, 1: 1-12; 11, 2: 1-11; 13, 1: 1-8.

____________1980. The Awakening of Zen(Humphreys, Christmas, ed.). Boulder, CO.: Prajna Press.

____________1982. "What is Zen?". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 15, 1: 1-8.

____________1982. "The Buddhist Concept of Reality". In: Frank, Frederick, ed. The Buddha Eye: An Anthology of the Kyoto School. New York: Crossroad.

____________1982-3. "Talks on Buddhism". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 15, 2: 1-9; 16, 2: 1-8.

____________1984. "On Transmigration". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 17, 2: 1-6.

____________1986. An Introduction to Zen(ed. by Christmas Humphreys). London: Rider.

____________1986. The Zen Doctrine of No-Mind(ed. by Christmas Humphreys). London: Rider.

____________1987. The Awakening of Zen. Boston & London: Rider.

Sweet, Belinda. 1980. "Authenticating Zen Paintings". Arts of Asia 10,6: 152-154.

____________1982. "Zen Paintings". Arts of Asia 12: 146-147.

Switer, A. Irwin. 1985. D.T. Suzuki: A Biography. London: The Buddhist Society.