English Publications on Zen 1977-92 <G> by Urs App to Home Page

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Gard, Richard A. (ed.). 1974-. Buddhist Text Information. New York: The Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions.

Gardner, Daniel K. 1991. "Modes of Thinking and Modes of Discourse in the Sung: Some Thoughts on the Yü-lu ('Recorded Conversations') Texts". Journal of Asian Studies 50, no. 3 (August 1991): 574-603.

Gardner, James L. 1991. Zen Buddhism: A Classified Bibliography of Western-Language Publications Through 1990. Salt Lake City: Wings of Fire Press.

Garner, Richard T. 1977. "Skepticism, Ordinary Language and Zen Buddhism". Philosophy East and West 27,2: 165-181.

Gelburd, Gail E. 1988. Far Eastern Philosophical Influences on Environmental Art, 1967-1987Ph.D. diss., City University of New York.

Gergen, Kenneth J. 1983. "Zen Buddhism and Psychological Science". Psychologia 26, 3: 129-141.

Gilbert, D. 1980. Jellyfish Bones: The Humor of Zen. Oakland, CS: Blue Dragon Press.

____________1989. The Upside Down Circle. Zen Laughter. Fort Worth, FL: Dolphin.

Gilkey, Langdon. 1986. "Abe Masao's Zen and Western Thought". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 19, 2: 109-121.

Gimello, Robert Michael. 1976. "Apophatic and Kataphatic Discourse in Mahayana: A Chinese View". Philosophy East and West 26, 2: 116-136.

____________1982. "The Sudden/Gradual Polarity: A Recurrent Theme in Chinese Thought". Journal of Chinese Philosophy 9: 471 486.

____________1983. "Li T'ung-hsüan and the Practical Dimensions of Hua-yen.". In: Gimello, R. M., and P. N. Gregory, eds Studies in Ch'an and Hua-yen. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1990. "Echoes of the Platform Scripture in Northern Sung Ch'an". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers.

____________Unpublished. "Wen-tzu Ch'an and K'an-hua Ch'an: Buddhism in the Transition from Northern to Southern Sung Literati Culture".

____________1992. "Mârga and Culture: Learning, Letters, and Liberation in Northern Sung Ch'an" (Robert E. Buswell, Jr., and Robert M. Gimello, eds). In: Paths to Liberation: The Mârga and its Transformations in Buddhist Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Gimello, R. M., and P. N. Gregory, eds. 1983. Studies in Ch'an and Hua-yen. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Glassman, Bernard T. 1983. "Zen and Communication". Communication 8,1: 1-12.

Goble, Andrew. 1987. Go-Daigo and the Kemmu RestorationPh. D. diss. Stanford University.

____________1989. "Truth, Contradiction and Harmony in Medieval Japan: Emperor Hanazono (1297-1348) and Buddhism". Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 12, 1: 21-63.

Goldstein, Bernice, and Sanford Goldstein. 1987. "Zen and Nine Stories". In: Harold Bloom, ed. J.D. Salinger. New York: Chelsea House.

Golz, David. 1990. "Thomas Traherne and the Zen Poet of 'On Believing in Mind.'". Studia Mystica 13: 56-66.

Gómez, Luis O.. 1983. "The Direct and the Gradual Approaches of Zen Master Mahâyâna: Fragments of the Teachings of Mo-ho-yen" (Robert M. Gimello and P. N. Gregory, eds). In: Studies in Ch'an and Hua-yen. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Gómez, Luis O. 1983. "Indian Materials on the Doctrine of Sudden Enlightenment". In: Lai, Whalen, and Lewis R. Lancaster, eds Early Ch'an in China and Tibet. Berkeley, CA: Asian Humanities Press.

____________1983 . "The Direct and the Gradual Approaches of Zen Master Mahâyâna: Fragments of the Teachings of Mo-ho-yen.". In: Robert M. Gimello and P. N. Gregory, eds Studies in Ch'an and Hua-yen. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1986. "D. T. Suzuki's Contribution to Modern Buddhist Scholarship". In: ed. by Masao Abe A Zen Life: D. T. Suzuki Remembered. New York and Tokyo: Weatherhill.

____________1987. "Purifying Gold: The Metaphor of Effort and Intuition in Buddhist Thought and Practice". In: Peter N. Gregory, ed. Sudden and Gradual: Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Graef, Sunyana. 1989. "A Hair in Vast Space: Teaching and Learning in Zen" . Religious Education 84: 174-184.

____________1990. "The Foundations of Ecology in Zen Buddhism". Religious Education 85: 101-107.

Granoff, Phyllis, and Koichi Shinohara, eds. 1988. Monks and Magicians: Religious Biographies in Asia. Oakville / New York / London: Mosaic Press.

Gray, Wallace. 1986. "More than a Bookmark: Eisai the Thinker". Journal of Chinese Philosophy 13: 49-67.

Gregory, Peter Nielsen. 1983. Tsung-mi's 'Inquiry into the Origin of Man': A Study of Chinese Buddhist HermeneuticsPh. D. diss., Harvard University.

____________1985. "Tsung-mi and the Single Word 'Awareness' chih" . Philosophy East and West 35, 3: 249-69.

Gregory, Peter Nielsen, ed.. 1986. Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1987. Sudden and Gradual Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Gregory, Peter Nielsen. 1987. "Sudden Enlightenment Followed by Gradual Cultivation: Tsung-mi's Analysis of Mind" . In: Sudden and Gradual Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1989. "The Integration of Ch'an/Son and the Teachings (Chiao/Kyo) in Tsung-mi and Chinul". Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 12,2: **.

____________1991. Tsung-mi and the Sinification of Buddhism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Griswold, Jerome. 1987. "Zen Poetry, American Critics; American Poetry, Zen Criticism: Robert Aitken, Basho, and Wallace Stevens". In: Ellwood, Robert, ed. Zen in American Life and Letters. Malibu, CA.:: Undena Publications.

Groner, Paul. 1990. "The ordination ritual in the Platform Sutra within the context of the East Asian Buddhist vinaya tradition". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers.

Grosnick, William Henry. 1979. The Zen Master Dôgen's Understanding of the Buddha-Nature in the Light of the Historical Development of the Buddha-Nature Concept in India, China, and JapanPh.D. diss., University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Guenther, Herbert. 1983. "'Meditation' Trends in Early Tibet". In: Lai, Whalen, and Lewis R. Lancaster, eds Early Ch'an in China and Tibet. Berkeley, CA: Asian Humanities Press.

Guillory, Daniel L. 1986. "The Oriental Connection: Zen and Representations of the Midwest in the Collected Poems of Lucien Stryk". Midamerica 8: 107-115.