English Publications on Zen 1977-92 <B> by Urs App to Home Page

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Bancroft, Anne. 1979. Zen. Direct Pointing at Reality. London: Thames & Hudson.

Barnet, Sylvan, and William Burto. 1982. Zen Ink Paintings. Tokyo: Kodansha International.

Baroni, Helen. 1991. "Ôbaku Zen -- An Introduction". Japanese Religions 17, 1: 31-49.

____________1993. Work in progress. Dissertation on Obaku-Zen in JapanColumbia University.

Barrett, Timothy Hugh. Unpublished. "Kill the patriarchs!".

____________1989. "Arthur Waley, D. T. Suzuki and Hu Shih: New Light on the 'Zen and History' Controversy". Buddhist Studies Review 6, no. 2: 116-121.

____________1991. "The Date of the Leng-chia shih-tzu chi". Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Series 3, 1, 2: 255-259.

____________. Work in progress. "On Ch'an Language and Orality in Written Form". In: Welter, Albert F., and John McRae, eds. Work in Progress. Creating the World of Zen: The Transmission of Sung Dynasty Ch'an Buddhism Throughout East Asia.

Batchelor, Stephen. 1990. The Faith to Doubt: Glimpses of Buddhist Uncertainty. Berkeley: Parallax Press.

Beck, Charlotte Joko. 1989. Everyday Zen: Love and Work(ed. by Steve Smith). San Francisco: Harper & Row.

Becker, Susan K., and Bruce D. Forman. 1989. "Zen Buddhism and the Psychotherapy of Milton Erickson: A Transcendence of Theory and Self". Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior 26, 2-3: 39-48.

Bellah, Robert N. 1985. "The Meaning of Dôgen Today". In: LaFleur, William, ed. Dôgen Studies. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Benares, Camden. 1985. Zen without Zen Masters. Phoenix, Ariz.: Falcon Press.

____________1990. Handful of Zen. Phoenix, Ariz.: Golden Dawn.

Benoit, Hubert. 1990. Zen and the Psychology of Transformation: The Supreme Doctrine (rev. ed.). Rochester, VT.: Inner Traditions.

Berg, Stephen. 1989. Crow with No Mouth: Ikkyû, 15th Century Zen Master. Port Townsend, WA.: Copper Canyon Press.

Berling, Judith A. 1987. "Bringing the Buddha Down to Earth: Notes on the Emergence of Yü-lu as a Buddhist Genre". History of Religions 21: 56-88.

Berry, Scott. 1989. A Stranger in Tibet. The Adventures of a Wandering Zen Monk. Tokyo: Kodansha.

Besserman, Perle, and Steger, Manfred. 1991. Crazy Clouds. Zen Radicals, Rebels & Reformers. Boston & London: Shambhala.

Beyer, Huntley. 1981. "Zen and Contemporary Music". Studia Mystica 4: 29-50.

Bielefeldt, Carl. 1979. "Dôgen's Shôbôgenzô SansuikyôÓ. In: Michael Charles Tobias and Harold Drasdo, eds. The Mountain-Spirit. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press.

____________1985. "Recarving the Dragon: History and Dogma in the Study of Dôgen". In: William R. LaFleur, ed. Dôgen Studies. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1986. "Chang-lu Tsung-tse's Tso-ch'an i and the 'Secret' of Zen Meditation". In: Peter N. Gregory, ed. Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1988. Dôgen's Manuals of Zen Meditation. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California.

____________1988. "Ennin's 'Treatise on Seated Zen.'". The Ten Directions 13,1: 26-34.

____________1989. "Putting the Cart Before the Horse: Reflections on Ennin's 'Treatise on Seated Zen'". Ten Directions 10, 1: 7-21.

____________1992. "No-Mind and Sudden Awakening: Thoughts on the Soteriology of a Kamakura Zen Text" (Robert E. Buswell, Jr., and Robert M. Gimello, eds). In: Paths to Liberation: The Mârga and its Transformations in Buddhist Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1992. "Dôgen Studies in America". Zen kenkyûjo nempô [Annual of the Zen Research Institute, Komazawa University] 3: 1-17.

____________1993. "Filling the Zen-shû: Notes on the 'Jisshû yôdô ki'". Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 7: 221-248.

Bielefeldt, Carl, and Lewis Lancaster. 1975. "T'an Ching (Platform Scripture)". Philosophy East and West 25, 2: 197-212.

Birnbaum, Raoul. 1984. "Thoughts on T'ang Buddhist Mountain Traditions and their Context". T'ang Studies 2: 5-23.

Blackstone, Judith, and Zoran Josipovic. 1986. Zen for Beginners. London: Writers & Readers.

Blatte, Jakob. 1982. Zazen: The Diary of a Stranger in Japan. Tokyo: Maruzen.

Blofeld, John. 1985 [1986]. The Zen Teaching of Huang Po. London: The Buddhist Society.

Blundell, David. 1990. "Cultural Aspects of the Six Patriarch's Sutra". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers.

Blyth, Reginald H. 1978. Zen and Zen Classics: Selections from Blyth(Compiled by Frederick Frank). New York: Vintage Books.

____________1982 [1966]. Zen and Zen Classics. 5 vols. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press.

Bodiford, William M. 1989. The Growth of the Sôtô Zen Tradition in Medieval JapanPh. D. diss., Yale University.

____________1991. "Dharma Transmission in Sôtô Zen: Manzan Dôhaku's Reform Movement". Monumenta Nipponica 46, 4: 423-451.

____________1992. "Zen in the Art of Funerals: Ritual Salvation in Japanese Buddhism". History of Religions 32, 2: 146-164.

____________1993. "The Enlightenment of Kami and Ghosts -- Spirit Ordinations in Japanese Sôtô Zen". Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 7: 267-282.

____________1993. Sôtô Zen in Medieval Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Bonvento, Robert J. 1978. North, South, Zen and PsychoanalysisM.S. Thesis, University of Utah.

Bosart, William. 1986. "Sartre's Theory of Consciousness and the Zen Doctrine of No Mind". In: Casey, Edward S. (ed.) The Life of the Transcendental Ego: Essays in Honor of William Earle. Albany: State University of New York.

Braverman, Arthur. 1989. Mud and Water. A Collection of Talks by the Zen Master Bassui. San Francisco: North Point Press.

Brinker, Helmut. 1987. Zen in the Art of Painting (trans. by George Campbell). New York: Arkana.

Brinker, Helmut, and R. P. Kramer, and C. Ouwehand, eds. 1985. Zen in China, Japan, and East Asian Art: Papers of the International Symposium on Zen, Zürich University, 16. -18. 11. 1982. Bern: Peter Lang.

Broughton, Jeffrey Lyle. 1975. Kuei-feng Tsung-mi: The Convergence of Ch'an and the TeachingsPh. D. diss., Columbia University.

____________1983. "Early Ch'an Schools in Tibet" (Robert M. Gimello and P. N. Gregory, eds). In: Studies in Ch'an and Hua-yen. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________Unpublished. "Proto Ch'an Texts".

Buddhist Society. 1987. The Buddhist Directory. London: The Buddhist Society.

Buksbazen, John Daishin. 1977. To Forget the Self. An Illustrated Guide to Zen Meditation. Los Angeles: .

Burns, John. . A Celebration of Light: Zen in the Novels of Neil Gunn. Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble.

Burr, Ronald L. 1976. Zazen, Ontology and Human ActionPh.D. diss., University of California Santa Barbara.

____________1983. "Lin-chi on 'Language-Dependence.' An Interpretive Analysis". In: Whalen Lai and Lewis R. Lancaster, eds., Early Ch'an in China and Tibet. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press.

Bush, Susan H., and Victor H. Mair. . 1977-1978. "Some Buddhist Portraits and Images of the Lü and Ch'an Sects in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-century China". Archives of Asian Art 31: 32-51.

Buswell, Robert E., Jr. 1983. The Korean Approach to Zen: The Collected Works of Chinul. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1986. "Chinul's Systematization of Chinese Meditative Techniques in Korea Son Buddhism". In: Peter N. Gregory, ed. In Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1987. "The 'Short cut' Approach of K'an-hua Meditation: The Evolution of a Practical Subitism in Chinese Ch'an Buddhism". In: Peter N. Gregory, ed. Sudden and Gradual: Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1988. "Ch'an Hermeneutics: A Korean View". In: Donald S. Lopez, Jr., ed. Buddhist Hermeneutics. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1989. The Formation of Ch'an Ideology in China and Korea: The Vajrasamâdhi-Sûtra. A Buddhist Apocryphon. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

____________1989. "Chinul's Ambivalent Critique of Radical Subitism in Korean Son Buddhism". Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 12: 20-44.

Buswell, Robert E., Jr, tr. 1989. "The Reception of Buddhism in Korea and its Impact on Indigenous Culture." Translation of Inoue Hideo's "Chôsen ni okeru Bukkyô juyô to shinkan'nen". In: Lewis Lancaster and Chai-shin Yu, eds. In Introduction of Buddhism to Korea: New Cultural Patterns. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press.

Buswell, Robert E., Jr. 1990. "Chinul's Alternative Vision of Kanhwa Son and Its Implications for Sudden Awakening Sudden Cultivation". In: Pojo sasang (Chinul's Thought).

____________1990. "The Pilgrimages of Hyangbong: Memoirs and Poems of the Kumgang Mountains". Korean Culture 11, no. 4 (Winter 1990): 18-23.

____________1990. Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1991. Tracing Back the Radiance: Chinul's Korean Way of Zen. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1992. The Zen Monastic Experience: Buddhist Practice in Contemporary Korea. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

____________1992. "Zen Monastic Practice in Korea". Korean Culture 13,3: 34-44.

____________1993. "The Zen (Son) Buddhism and the Context of Belief". Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 7: 283-318.

____________Forthcoming. Forthcoming. "Monastery Lay Associations in Contemporary Korean Buddhism: A Study of the Puril Hoe". .

____________. Forthcoming. "Buddhism Under Confucian Domination: The Synthetic Vision of Sosan Hyujong (1520-1604)". In: ed. by JaHyun Kim Haboush and Martina Deuschler Forthcoming.Confucianism and Heterodox Religion in Late Choson Korea. New York: Columbia University Press.

____________. Work in Progress. Kao-feng Yüan-miao's Ch'an-yao (Essentials of Chan) and Kung-an Practice in Yüan China.

Buswell, Robert E., Jr., and Robert M. Gimello, eds. 1992. Paths to Liberation: The Mârga and its Transformations in Buddhist Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.