English Publications on Zen 1977-92 <A> by Urs App to Home Page

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Abe, Masao. 1977. "Zen is not a Philosophy, but . . . ". Theologische Zeitschrift 33:261-268.

____________1978. "Emptiness is Suchness". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 11, 2: 132-136.

____________1980. "Substance, Process and Emptiness". Japanese Religions 10:**.

____________1981. "Hisamatsu's Philosophy of Awakening" (trans. by Christopher A. Ives). Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 14, 1: 26-42.

____________1981. "Hisamatsu Shin'ichi, 1889-1980". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 14, 1: 142-147.

____________1985. "The Self in Jung and Zen". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 18, 1: 57-70.

____________1985. Zen and Western Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1985. "The Oneness of Practice and Attainment: Implications for the Relation Between Ends and Means" . In: LaFleur, William, ed. Dôgen Studies. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1986. A Zen Life: D. T. Suzuki Remembered. New York: Weatherhill.

____________1986. "The Problem of Death in East and West: Immortality, Eternal Life, Unbornness". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 19, 2: 30-61.

____________1988. "Dôgen's View on Time and Space" (trans. by Steven Heine). Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 21, 2: 1-35.

____________1992. "What is Religion?". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 25, 1: 51-69.

____________1992. A Study of Dôgen: His Philosophy and Religion(ed. by Steven Heine). Albany: State University of New York Press.

____________Unpublished. "Free Will in Buddhism, With Special Reference to a Buddhist View of the Holocaust".

____________. Work in Progress. Collection of English translations of works by Hisamatsu Shin'ichi.

Adamek, Wendi. . Work in progress. Dissertation on the Lidai FabaojiStanford University.

Addiss, Stephen. 1978. "Ôbaku: The Art of Chinese Huang-po Monks in Japan". Oriental Art 24, 4: 420-432.

____________1978. Zenga and Nanga: Paintings by Japanese Monks and Scholars. New Orleans: New Orleans Museum.

____________1979. "Ôbaku: The Calligraphy of Zen". Orientations 10, 7: 41-48.

____________1982. "Blake, Taoism and Zen". In: Bogan, James, and Fred Gross, eds. Sparks of Fire: Blake in a New Age. Richmond, CA: North Atlantic.

____________1983. "Ôbaku Sect". In: Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. Tokyo: Kodansha International.

____________1983. "Hakuin (1686-1769)". In: Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. Tokyo: Kodansha International.

____________1983. "Zenga". In: Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. Tokyo: Kodansha International.

____________1985. "The Revival of Zen Painting in Edo Period Japan". Oriental Art 31: 50-61.

____________1986. "The Life and Art of Fûgai Ekun (1568-1654)". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 19, 1: 59-75.

____________1989. The Art of Zen. Paintings and Calligraphy by Japanese Monks 1600-1925. New York: Harry N. Abrams.

____________1990. "The Art of Zen". Humanities 11: 34-35.

Addiss, Stephen, and Kwan S. Wong. 1978. Ôbaku: Zen Painting and Calligraphy. Lawrence, Kansas: Helen Foresman Spencer Museum of Art.

Addiss, Stephen, and Norman Waddell. . Work in progress. Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Zen Artist-Priests and Calligraphers.

Aitken, Robert. 1978. A Zen Wave. Basho's Haiku and Zen. Tokyo & New York: Weatherhill.

____________1980. "Wallace Stevens and Zen". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 13, 1: 46-51.

____________1981. "The Cloud of Unknowing and the Mumonkan: Christian and Buddhist Meditation Methods". Buddhist Christian Studies 1: 87-91.

____________1982. Taking the Path of Zen. San Francisco: North Point Press.

____________1982. "Zen Practice and Psychotherapy". Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 14, 2: 161-170.

____________1985. The Mind of Clover. Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics. San Francisco: North Point Press.

____________1986. "Play". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 19,1: 118-122.

____________1989. "Wu-men-kuan, case 11, 'Chao-chou and the Hermits'". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 22: 78-84.

____________1990. The Gateless Barrier. The Wu-men kuan (Mumonkan). San Francisco: North Point Press.

____________1990. The Dragon Who Never Sleeps. **: Larkspur Press.

____________1991. New Mahayana: Buddhism for the Post-Modern World. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press.

Allinson, Robert E. 1988. "Taoism in the Light of Zen -- An Exercise in Inter-Cultural Hermeneutics". In: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

____________1991. The Gateless Barrier: The Wu-men-kuan (Mumonkan). San Francisco: North Point Press.

Akamatsu, Toshihide, and Philip Yampolsky. 1977. "Muromachi Zen and the Gozan system". In: Hall, John W.; and Toyoda, Takeshi, eds. Japan in the Muromachi Age. Berkeley: University of California.

Akishige, Yoshiharu, ed.. 1977. Psychological Studies on Zen (2 vols.). Tokyo: Komazawa University.

Amphoux, Nancy. 1986. Diary of a Zen Nun. New York: Dutton.

An, Pyong-jik. 1980. "Han Yong-un's Liberalism: An Analysis of the 'Reformation of Korean Buddhism'". Korea Journal 19, 12: 13-18.

Andersen, David Lloyd. 1979. The Influence of Zen Buddhism on Modern Western ArtM.A. thesis, Brigham Young University.

Antinoff, Steven. 1990. The Problem of the Human Person and the Resolution to that Problem in the Religio-Philosophical Thought of the Zen Master Shin'ichi Hisamatsu. Ph.D. diss., Temple University.

Aoyama, Shundo. 1990. Zen Seeds. Reflections of a Female Priest. Tokyo: .

App, Urs Erwin. 1987. "Chan/Zen's Greatest Encyclopaedist Mujaku Dôchû (1653-1744)". Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 3: 155-174.

____________1989. Facets of the Life and Teaching of Chan Master Yunmen Wenyan (864-949)Ph. D. dissertation, Temple University.

____________1991. The Electronic Bodhidharma . The Electronic Bodhidharma No. 1.

____________1991. "The Making of a Chan Record" . Annual Report from the Institute for Zen Studies (Zenbunka kenkyûjo kiyô) 17: 1-90.

____________1991. "A Series of Chan Texts Translated into Korean". Newsletter of the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism 2: 24-25.

____________1991. "Zen Dictionaries and Reference Works". Newsletter of the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism 2: 26-35.

____________1992. The Electronic Bodhidharma . The Electronic Bodhidharma No. 2.

____________. Work in progress. Master Yunmen. From the Record of the Chan Teacher "Gate of the Clouds". New York: Kodansha America.

____________1993. "Science, Philosophy, and Religion". In: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

____________1993. "Reference Works for Chan Research." Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 7: 357-410.

____________. In preparation. "Dun ìÚ as a Key to "Mysticism" in East And West". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) .

____________. Work in progress. The Records of Huangbo.

App, Urs, and Michel Mohr. . Work in progress. Chan, Son, and Zen Texts in Translation. An Annotated Bibliography. Kyoto: International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism.

App, Urs, and Nishiguchi Yoshio. . Work in progress. The Records of Deshan.

Appelbaum, David. 1983. "On Turning a Zen Ear". Philosophy East and West 33: 115-122.

Aranow, Philip T. 1988. Psychoanalytic Theories of the Self: A Review and Critique from a Buddhist PerspectivePh.D. diss., Harvard University.

Arntzen, Sonja. 1986. Ikkyû and the Crazy Cloud Anthology. A Zen Poet of Medieval Japan. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.

Augustine, Morris J. 1986. "Zen and Benedictine Monks as Mythopoetic Models of Nonegocentered World-Views and Life Styles". Buddhist Christian Studies 5: 23-49.

Austin, James H. 1991. "Zen and the Brain: The Construction and Dissolution of the Self". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 24, 2: 69-97.

Awakawa, Yasuichi. 1978. Zen Painting (trans. by John Bester). Tokyo: Kodansha International.