English Publications on Zen 1977-92 <T> by Urs App to Home Page

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Tagami, Taishû. 1986. "The Internationalization of Zen -- Problems and Perspectives". In: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium. Kyoto: Institute of Zen Studies.

Takahashi, Shinkichi. 1986. Triumph of the Sparrow: Zen Poems by Shinkichi Takahashi (trans. by Lucien Stryk with the assistance of Takahashi Ikemoto). Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Takahashi, Masanobu. 1983. The Essence of Dôgen (trans. by Yuzuru Nobuoka). Boston: Kegan Paul International.

Takizawa, Katsumi. 1983. "On the Zen Philosophy of Hisamatsu Shin'ichi". Buddhist Christian Studies 3: 131-136.

Tamamura, Takeji. 1985. "Literature of the Gozan Zen Temples: A Historical Overview". Chanoyu Quarterly 43: 14-29.

Tamura, Yoshiro. 1984. "Critique of the Original Awakening Thought in Shôshin and Dôgen" (trans. by Jan Van Bragt). Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 11, 2-3: 243-266.

Tanabe, Willa Jane. 1989. The Art of Zen. **: **.

Tanahashi, Kazuaki. 1984. Penetrating Laughter: Hakuin's Zen and Art. Woodstock, N.Y.: Overlook Press.

____________1985. Moon in a Dewdrop: Writings of Zen Master Dôgen. San Francisco: North Point Press.

____________1990. Brush Mind: Text, Art, and Design. Berkeley CA.: Parallax Press.

Tanaka, Kenneth K., and Raymond E. Robertson. 1992. "A Ch'an Text from Tun-huang: Implications for Ch'an Influence on Tibetan Buddhism". In: Steven D. Goodman, and Ronald M. Davidson, eds. Tibetan Buddhism. Reason and Revelation. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Tanaka, Ryôsho. 1981. "Relations Between the Buddhist Sects in the Tang Dynasty through the Ms. P. 3913". Journal Asiatique 169: 163-169.

____________1990. "An Historical Summary of Research on the Texts of the Platform Sutra". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers.

Takemoto, Melvin Masa. 1983. The "Kuei-shan ching-ts'e": Morality and the Hung-chou School of Ch'an. "M. A. thesis, University of Hawaii.

Takuan, Soho. 1989. Fudochi Shimmyo Roku (trans. Tenshin Tanouye). Honolulu: Daihonzan Chozen-ji.

Taneda, Santoka. 1980. Mountain Tasting: Zen Haiku (tr. by John Stevens). New York: Weatherhill.

Teshima, Jacob Yuroh. 1977. Zen Buddhism and Hasidism: A Comparative StudyD.H.L. diss., Jewish Theological Seminary of America.

Thien-An, Thich. 1975. Buddhism and Zen in Vietnam. Tokyo / Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle.

Thompson, Laurence G. 1980. Chinese Religion in Western Languages: A Comprehensive and Classified Bibliography of Publications in English, French, and German Through. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

Thorp, R.L. 1978. "Ôbaku: Zen Painting and Calligraphy at the University of Kansas". Oriental Arts 24,3: 353-355.

Thurston, Bonnie Bowman. 1984. "Zen in the Eye of Thomas Merton's Poetry". Buddhist Christian Studies 4: 103-117.

____________1986. "Zen Influence on Thomas Merton's View of the Self". Japanese Religions 1: 17-31.

Tokiwa, Gishin, trans. 1973. A Dialogue on Contemplation Extinguished. Translated from the Chueh-kuan lun, an Early Chinese Zen Text from Tun Huang. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

Tokiwa, Gishin. 1984-85. "Bodhidharma's Wall-Contemplation". F.A.S. Society Newsletter 7-10.

____________1985. "Ch'an (Zen) View of Suffering". Buddhist Christian Studies 5:103-129.

Tominaga, Thomas T. 1983. "Ch'an, Taoism and Wittgenstein". Journal of Chinese Philosophy 10,2: 127-146.

Tonami, Mamoru. 1990. The Shaolin Monastery Stele on Mount Song (tr. by P.A. Herbert). Kyoto: Istituto Italiano di Cultura / Scuola di Studi sull' Asia Orientale.

Tourangeau, Frank L. 1982. Zen and the Art of Oral Interpretation; A Rational Guide to Non-rational DiscoveryPh.D. diss., University of Southern Illinois.

Tsuchiya, Akitomo. 1990. "The Platform Sutra's Criticism of the Northern School". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers.

Tsukamoto, Zenryû. 1985-7. "Buddhism and Fine Arts in Kyoto". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 19, 1: 1-16; 20, 1: 62-80.

Tu, Wei-ming. 1985. "Ch'an in China: A Reflective Interpretation" (H. Brinker, R. P. Kramers, and C. Ouwehand, eds). In: Zen in China, Japan, and East Asian Art: Papers of the International Symposium on Zen, Zürich University, 16. -18. 11. 1982. Bern: Peter Lang.

____________1987. "The Religious Situation in the People's Republic of China Today: A Personal Reflection" (Frank Whaling, ed). In: Religion in Today's World: The Religious Situation of the World from 1945 to the Present Day. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark.

Tworkow, Helen. 1989. Zen in America: Profile of Five Teachers: Robert Aitken, Jakusho Kwong, Bernard Glassman, Maurine Stuart, Richard Baker. . San Francisco: North Point Press.

Tyler, Royall, trans. 1977. Selected Writings of Suzuki Shôsan. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.

____________1978. Suzuki Shôsan (1579 1655): A Fighting Man of ZenPh.D. diss., Columbia University.

____________1987. "Buddhism in Noh". Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 14, 1: 19-52.