English Publications on Zen 1977-92 <N> by Urs App to Home Page

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Nagasawa, Kunihiko. 1985. "The Principle of the I in Fichte and the Problem of the Self in Dôgen". In: Henrich, Dieter, ed. All-Einheit. Wege eines Gedankens in Ost und West. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.

Nagashima, Takayuki Shono. 1978. Truths and Fabrications in Religion: An Investigation from the Documents of the Zen (Ch'an) Sect. London: A. Probsthain.

Nagatomo, Shigenori. 1987. "An Analysis of Dôgen's 'Casting Off Body and Mind'". International Philosophical Quarterly 27: 227-242.

____________1992. Attunement Through the Body. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Naitô, Shirô. 1984. Yeats and Zen: A Study of the Transformation of his Mask.. Kyoto: Yamaguchi.

Nakagawa, Sôen. 1986. Sôen Roku: The Sayings and Doings of Master Sôen(ed. by Eidô Shimano). New York: Zen Studies Society Press.

Nakamura, Hajime. 1985. "Ch'an and Mysticism in Later Times". Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 12, 4: 299-317.

Nan, Huai-ch'in. 1986. Grass Mountain; A Seven Day Intensive in Ch'an Training With Master Nan Huai-ch'in (trans. by Margaret Yuan and Janis Walker). New York: Weiser.

Nara, Yasuaki. 1985. "Dôgen in Ryôkan". Young East 11,1: 4-17.

Newland, A.R. 1989. "The Art of Zen -- Paintings and Calligraphy by Japanese Monks, 1600-1925". Oriental Arts 35.

Nhat Hanh, Thich. 1987. Being Peace. Berkeley: Parallax Press.

____________1987. The Miracle of Mindfulness. A Manual on Meditation (trans. by Mobi Ho). Boston: Beacon Press.

____________1988. The Sun My Heart: From Mindfulness to Insight Contemplation (trans. by Elin Sand et al). Berkeley: Parallax Press.

____________1988. Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing (trans. Laity, Annabel). Berkeley: Parallax Press.

Nishibe, Bunjo. 1981. "Zen Monks, and the Formation of the Way of Tea". Chanoyu Quarterly 28: 7-46.

Nishida, Kitarô. 1984. "On the Doubt in Our Heart" (trans. by Jeff Shore. ). Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 17, 2: 7-11.

Nishimura, Eshin. 1984. "A Personal Reflection upon a Rinzai Zen Buddhist Education". In: Houston, Gary W., ed. Dharma and Gospel: Two Ways of Seeing. Delhi: Sri Satguru.

____________1985. "Transcending the Buddhas and Patriarchs: Awareness and Transcendence in Zen". Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 12, 2-3: 193-205.

____________1990. "Structure of the 'Sudden-ness' as Existential Dialectic". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers.

____________1985. "Idealism, Existentialism, and Zen Buddhism". In: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

____________. Work in progress. English translation of Hakuin's biography by Tôrei.

Nishitani, Keiji. 1981. "Ontology and Utterance". Philosophy East and West 31: 29-44.

____________1982. Religion and Nothingness. Berkeley: University of California Press.

____________1982. "The Awakening of Self in Buddhism". In: Frank, Frederick, ed. The Buddha Eye: An Anthology of the Kyoto School. New York: Crossroad.

____________1982. "Science and Zen" (trans. Richard DeMartino). In: Frank, Frederick, ed. The Buddha Eye: An Anthology of the Kyoto School. New York: Crossroad.

____________1982. "The I-Thou Relation in Zen Buddhism". In: Frank, Frederick, ed. The Buddha Eye: An Anthology of the Kyoto School. New York: Crossroad.

____________1984. "The Standpoint of Zen" (trans. John C. Maraldo. ). Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 17, 1: 1-26.

____________1986. "Remembering Dr. Daisetz T. Suzuki". In: Trans. by Jeff Shore. Abe, Masao, ed. A Zen Life: D.T. Suzuki Remembered. New York and Tokyo:: Weatherhill.

Nishiyama, Kôsen, John Stevens, Steve Powell, Ian Reader, and Susan Wick, trans. 1975-83. Shôbôgenzô. The Eye and Treasury of the True Law. Tokyo: Nakayama shobô.

Norbu, Namkhai. 1986. Dzog Chen and Zen(ed. by Kennard Lipman). Nevada City CA: Blue Dolphin Press.

Nordstrom, Louis. 1980. "Zen and Karma". Philosophy East and West 30,1: 77-86.

Norwood, Jean E. 1982. An Investigation of a Zen Meditation Procedure and its Effect on Selected Personality and Psychotherapeutic VariablesPh.D. diss., North Texas State University.

Novak, Philip C. 1981. Empty Willing: Contemplative Being-in-the-World in St. John of the Cross and DôgenPh. D. diss., University of Syracuse.

Nyogen Senzaki, and McCandless, Ruth Strout. 1988. Buddhism and Zen. San Francisco: **.