English Publications on Zen 1977-92 <K> by Urs App to Home Page

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Kabanov, Alexander. 1990. "Soviet Publications on Zen / Ch'an". Newsletter of the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism 1: 10-13.

Kadowaki, J. Kakichi. 1980. Zen and the Bible. A Priest's Experience (trans. by Joan Rieck). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

____________1982. "God as a Problem in the Dialogue between Zen and Christianity". In: Sontag, F. and M.D. Bryant, eds. God: The Contemporary Discussion. New York: Rose Sharon Press.

____________1989. "The Right Master According to Zen: Dôgen's Experience and View of the Right Master". Studia Missionalia 37: 283-306.

____________1990. "Father Hugo Lassalle 1898-1990". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 23, 2: 136-**.

Kanazawa, Hiroshi. 1979. Japanese Ink Paintings. Early Zen Masterpieces. Tokyo: Kodansha International.

Kapleau, Philip. 1979. Zen Comments on Work, Awareness, Impermanence, Non-Self, Ego and Language. Rochester, N.Y.: The Zen Center.

____________. The Three Pillars of Zen. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press / Doubleday.

____________1980. Zen. Merging of East and West. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press / Doubleday.

____________1980. Zen: Dawn in the West. London: Rider.

____________1986. The Private Encounter with the Rôshi: Its Hazards and Rewards. Rochester, N.Y.: The Zen Center.

____________1988. "The Private Encounter with the Master". In: ed. by Kenneth Kraft Zen Tradition and Transition. New York: Grove.

Karaki Junzô and Kôryu Osaka and Kôshirô Haga. 1977. "Symposium: Japanese Zen". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 10, 2: 76-101.

Kasulis, T. P. 1977. "Zen Buddhism, Freud, and Jung". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 10, 1: 68-91.

____________1978. "The Zen Philosopher: A Review Article on Dôgen Scholarship in English". Philosophy East and West 28,3: 353-373.

____________1979. "The Two Strands of Nothingness in Zen Buddhism". International Philosophical Quarterly 19, 1: 61-72.

____________1980. "Truth and Zen". Philosophy East and West 30: 453-464.

____________1981. Zen Action, Zen Person. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1982. "The Kyoto School and the West: Review and Evaluation". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 15, 2: 125-144.

____________1983. "Enlightenment and the Body in Zen". Middle Way 58,1: **.

____________1984. "Buddhist Existentialism". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 17, 2: 134-141.

____________1985. "The Incomparable Philosopher: Dôgen on How to Read the ShôbôgenzôÓ. In: William R. LaFleur, ed. Dôgen Studies. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

____________1992. "Zen Buddhism, Freud, and Jung". In: Meckel , Daniel J., and Robert L. Moore, eds. Self and Liberation. New York: Paulist Press.

Katagiri, Dainin. 1988. Returning to Silence. Zen Practice in Daily Life(ed. by Yuko Conniff and Willa Hathaway). Boston: Shambhala.

Katô, Ryûhô. 1983. "Life in a Rinzai Zen Hall" (trans. by T. Griffith Foulk). In: Zendô Guidebook. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

Keefe, Thomas. 1978. "A Zen Perspective on Social Casework". Social Casework 56,3: 140-144.

Keenan, Richard M. 1980. Zen Buddhist Influences and Techniques in the Works of Julio CortázarPh.D. diss., University of Missouri.

Keel, Hee Sung. 1977. Chinul: The Founder of the Korean Son (Zen) Tradition Ph. D. dissertation, Harvard University.

____________1984. Chinul: The Founder of the Korean Son Tradition. Berkeley: Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series.

Keightley, Alan. 1986. Into Every Life a Little Zen Must Fall. A Christian Philosopher Looks at Alan Watts and the East. London: Wisdom Publications.

Kennett, Jiyu. 1976. Zen Is Eternal Life. Emeryville, CA: Dharma Publishing.

____________1977. How to Grow a Lotus Blossom; Or How a Zen Buddhist Prepares for Death. Mt. Shasta, Calif.: Shasta Abbey Press.

____________1977-78. The Wild, White Goose; The Diary of a Zen Trainee (2 vols.). Mt. Shasta, Calif.: Shasta Abbey Press.

____________1989. Serene Reflection Meditation. Shasta, CA.: Shasta Abbey Press.

Kim, Ha-poong. 1980-81. "What Do Zen Masters Do With Words?". Philosophical Forum 12: 101-115.

Kim, Hee-Jin. 1975. Dôgen Kigen: Mystical Realist. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

____________1978. "Existence/Time as the Way of Ascesis: An Analysis of the Basic Structure of Dôgen's Thought". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 11, 2: 43-73.

____________1983. "Dôgen". Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan vol. 2, pp. 123-124.

____________1985. Flowers of Emptiness: Selections from Dôgen's "ShôbôgenzôÓ. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edward Mellan Press.

____________1985. "'The Reason of Words and Letters': Dôgen and Kôan Language". In: William R. LaFleur, ed. Dôgen Studies. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Kim, Youn Doo. 1990. "A Comparative Study on the viewpoint of the Diamond Sutra of hte Sixth Patriarch, Hui-neng and Hamheo Centering on the Platform Sutra, Interpretation of the Diamond Sutra and Commentary of the Diamond Sutra". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers.

Kim, Young-ho. 1990. Tao-sheng's Commentary on the Lotus Sûtra: A Study and Translation. Albany: State University of New York Press.

King, Sallie B. 1978. Passionate Journey, The Spiritual Autobiography of Satomi Myôdô. Boston & London: Shambhala.

____________1984. "The Buddha Nature: True Self in Action". Religious Studies 20: 255-267.

____________1988. "Egalitarian Philosophies in Sexist Institutes: The Life of Satomi-san, Shinto Miko, and Zen Buddhist Nun". Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 4: 7-26.

____________1989. "Buddha Nature and the Concept of Person". Philosophy East and West 39, 2: 151-170.

King, Winston L. 1977. "Practicing Dying: The Samurai Zen Death Techniques of Suzuki Shôsan". In: Reynolds, Frank; Waugh, Earle H., eds., Religious Encounters with Death: Insights From the History and Anthropology of Religion. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.

____________1979. "Suzuki Shôsan, Wayfarer". Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 12,1: 83-103.

____________1986. Death Was His Koan. The Samurai Zen of Suzuki Shôsan. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press.

King, Winston L. and Jocelyn B. King. 1979. "Selections from Suzuki Shôsan". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 12, 2: 117-143.

Kirita, Kiyohide. 1986. "Zen Buddhism and Society". In: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

____________1989. "The Concept of 'Nature' in Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki -- A Contemporary Problem". In: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

Kishimoto, Ken'ichi, and Yasuhiro Yamanaka. 1987. "Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy. A Commentary on Yasenkanna ('A Quiet Talk in a Night Boat')". Psychologia 30,2: 113-125.

Kitahara, Ryûtarô. 1981. "More Than Just An Encounter". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 14, 1: 117-122.

Kiyota, Minoru. 1979. "Comments on Zen". Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 1,1: 57-62.

Kiyota, Minoru, and Elvin W. Jones, eds. 1978. Mahayana Buddhist Meditation; Theory and Practice. Honolulu: University of Hawaii.

Knaul, Livia. 1986. "Chuang Tzu and the Chinese Ancestry of Ch'an Buddhism". Journal of Chinese Philosophy 13: 411-428.

Knewitz, John M. 1988. The Explication of Zen Buddhism as the Foundation for CounselingPh.D. diss., University of Southern Illinois.

Kobayashi, Ensho. 1991. "A Social-Ethical Approach in Zen Buddhism". In: Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies.

Kobayashi, Kazuo. 1981. The Effect of Zen Meditation on the Valence of Intrusive Thoughts. **: United States International University.

Kodansha International. 1983. Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan (nine volumes). Tokyo: Kodansha International.

Kodera, Takashi James. 1977. "The Buddha-Nature in Dôgen's ShôbôgenzôÓ. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 4, 4: 267-292.

____________1978. "Ta-Hui Tsung-Kao (1089-1163 ) and his 'Introspecting-the-Kung-An Ch'an' (Kôan Zen). Ohio Journal of Religious Studies 6: 45-60.

____________1980. Dôgen's Formative Years in China, A Historical Study and Annotated Translation of the Hôkyô-ki. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Kotoh, Tetsuaki. 1987. "Language and Silence: Self-Inquiry in Heidegger and Zen". In: Parkes, Graham, ed. Heidegger and Asian Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Kraft, Kenneth L., ed. 1981. "Musô Kokushi's 'Dialogues in a Dream' (Selections)". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 14, 1: 75-93.

Kraft, Kenneth L. 1984. Zen Master DaitôPh.D. diss., Princeton University.

Kraft, Kenneth L., ed. 1988. Zen: Tradition and Transition--A Sourcebook by Contemporary Zen Masters and Scholars. New York: Grove Press.

____________1988. "Recent Developments in North American Zen". In: Kenneth Kraft, ed. Zen: Tradition and Transition--A Sourcebook by Contemporary Zen Masters and Scholars. New York: Grove Press.

____________1992. Eloquent Zen. Daitô and Early Japanese Zen. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Kramer, Kenneth P. 1988. "The Zen of Jesus". Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 21, 1: 118-130.

Kreuger, Robert C. 1980. The Comparative Effects of Zen Focusing and Muscle Relaxation Training on Selected Experimental VariablesPh.D. diss., University of Iowa.

Krynicki, Victor E. 1980. "The Double Orientation of the Ego in the Practice of Zen". The American Journal of Psychoanalysis 40, 3: 239-248.

Ku, I-chiao. 1979. History of Zen. **: **.

Kubose, Sunnan K., and Takao Umemoto. . . "Creativity and the Zen Koan". Psychologia 23,1: 1-9.

Kusan Sunim. 1976. Nine Mountains (tr. Hae Myong Sunim (Robert Buswell) and Hae Haeng Sunim (Renaud Neubauer)). Korea: Songgwang Sa Monastery.

____________1984. "The Illusion of Attainment". F.A.S. Society Newsletter 41-45.

____________1985. The Way of Korean Zen(Trans. Martine Fages, ed. Stephen Batchelor). New York & Tokyo: Weatherhill.

____________1985-86. "Replies to Questions From the Foreign Sangha". F.A.S. Society Newsletter 21-24.

Kushner, Kenneth. 1988. One Arrow, One Life. Zen, Archery, and Daily Life. New York: Arkana.