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International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism

Overview in Japanese
HOW TO ORDER the ZenBase CD1: Write your name and address on a B5 size envelope, put it in an envelope, include a ten dollar bill (US) or 1,000 Yen bill (JP) and a note that you want the ZenBase CD1. It is a hybrid CD-ROM for use on Macs, DOS/WINDOWS, OS/2, UNIX, etc.
NOTE: Cash only; no checks, please. If you cannot send cash, send an international postal voucher on the same amount.
Our mail address: International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism, Hanazono University, Nakakyo-ku, Nishinokyo, Tsubonouchi-cho 8-1, Kyoto, 604 Japan.
Tel. +81-75-811-5181 Fax. 811-9664. E-mail inquiries:

The International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism (IRIZ) at Hanazono University (Kyoto, Japan) is an academic research institution devoted to the study of Zen Buddhism. We aim to serve the needs of researchers, students, teachers, and practitioners of Buddhism, but we also offer electronic tools--such as a 48.000 character Chinese character database--of interest to people involved in all fields of East Asian Studies suc h as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean histories, literatures, and religions. This CD-ROM and its contents form part of the Zen KnowledgeBase project initiated and directed by Urs APP.
Our mail address: Hanazono University, Nakakyo-ku, Nishinokyo, Tsubonouchi-cho 8-1 Kyoto, 604 Japan. Tel. +81-75-811-5181 Fax. 811-9664

Author:Urs APP