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The ZenBase CD-ROM No.1

Overview of the ZenBase CD1's contents
Bibliographic Reference:

Urs APP, ed., ZenBase CD 1. Kyoto: International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism, 1995.

In the pages of the Electronic Bodhidharma journal, we promised all kinds of software that is developed at our institute in the framework of Urs App's Zen KnowledgeBase research project. Though we published bits and pieces over the years, we were still struggling with some basic problems such as Chinese characters without codes (the so-called "gaiji") etc.

Now that some of the most important problems are more or less solved, a whole team of collaborators spent several months to correct and structure the data, produce software programs and documentation, and overhaul and augment much of the previous work.
In addition to our input team in Shanghai and input personnel in Japan, the following persons were directly involved in the production of the CD-ROM (in order of the amount of work):

However, no amount of effort could have replaced the steadfast support of the founder of our institute, Prof. YANAGIDA Seizan, to whom the ZenBase CD1 is dedicated. Thanks are also due to Jomyo Kawashima who helped in various inconspicuous ways.
Author:Urs APP
Last updated: 95.4.16