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Texts associated with 闍那崛多

闍那崛多 she2 na3 jue2 duo1 じゃなくった

There is a total of 35 texts associated with 闍那崛多 in this database:

Texts associated with 闍那崛多 are known in the following periods/areas:

  1. T01N0024 起世經
  2. T03N0190 佛本行集經
  3. T09N0264 添品妙法蓮華經
  4. T10N0303 佛華嚴入如來悳智不思議境界經
  5. T12N0327 發覺淨心經
  6. T12N0355 入法界體性經
  7. T12N0379 四童子三昧經
  8. T13N0408 虚空孕菩薩經
  9. T13N0416 大方等大集經賢護分
  10. T13N0422 大集譬喩王經
  11. T14N0431 八佛名號經
  12. T14N0443 五千五百佛名神呪除障滅罪經
  13. T14N0479 善思童子經
  14. T14N0480 佛説月上女經
  15. T14N0485 無所有菩薩經
  16. T15N0591 商主天子所問經
  17. T15N0649 觀察諸法行經
  18. T15N0651 佛説諸法本無經
  19. T16N0673 大乘同性經
  20. T16N0690 佛説希有校量功悳經
  21. T17N0824 諸法最上王經
  22. T17N0834 大威燈光仙人問疑經
  23. T17N0837 佛説出生菩提心經
  24. T19N1017 佛説一向出生菩薩經
  25. T20N1093 不空羂索呪經
  26. T21N1334 如來方便善巧呪經
  27. T21N1337 種種雜呪經
  28. T21N1340 大法炬陀羅尼經
  29. T21N1341 大威悳陀羅尼經
  30. T21N1345 金剛場陀羅尼經
  31. T21N1348 佛説十二佛名神呪校量功悳除障滅罪經
  32. T21N1353 東方最勝燈王陀羅尼經
  33. T21N1354 東方最勝燈王如來經
  34. T24N1493 大乘三聚懺悔經
  35. T24N1495 善恭敬經

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Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02