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Access by traditional divisions of the Tripitaka

The Buddhist Canon is traditionally divided into different parts, as expressed in the word Tripitaka, which has the meaning "Three baskets", i.e. the sutras, sastras and the vinaya.

In China, the divisions have been treated differently in different catalogues and the number has greatly expanded. The following list is a merger of the divisions of the different sources for this database. The systematic of the Taisho collection has been given the highest priority, followed by the Tripitaka Koreana, the Zokuzokyo and the Ming catalogue.

  1. ˆ˘ŠÜ•”
  2. –{‰•”
  3. ”ĘŽá•”
  4. –@‰Ř•”
  5. ‰ŘšŽ•”
  6. ›Ď•”
  7. Ÿ¸žĎ•”
  8. ‘ĺW•”
  9. ăSW•”
  10. –§‹ł•”
  11. —Ľ•”
  12. ç×ăS˜_•”
  13. ”ů“Ü•”
  14. ŕ•”
  15. ˜_W•”
  16. ăS‘`•”
  17. —Ľ‘`•”
  18. ˜_‘`•”
  19. ”@•”
  20. Žj™B•”
  21. Ž–œb•”
  22. ŠO‹ł•”
  23. –Ú˜^•”
  24. ă”ăS‘`•”
  25. 㔗Ľ‘`•”
  26. 㔘_‘`•”
  27. 㔏”@•”
  28. Žť“Ü•”
  29. ŒĂˆí•”‘SE‹^Ž—•”
  30. ‘召˜ŠćĄăS•”
  31. ‘召˜ŠćĄ—Ľ•”
  32. ”ĘŽá•”

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02