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Texts in ŠO‹³•”

  1. T54N2139 ˜VŽq‰»ŒΣγS(‘ζˆκE‘ζ\)
  2. T54N2140 –€“ςγS‰Ί•”Ž]
  3. T54N2141A –€“ςŒυ˜Ε‹³–@‹V—ͺ
  4. T54N2141B ”gŽz‹³ŸkγS
  5. T54N2142 ˜γγ–ΐŽŠγS
  6. T54N2143 Œi‹³ŽO‹³–Φ“xŽ]
  7. T54N2144 ‘ε`Œi‹³—¬s’†š ”θθρ

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Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02