Book chapters
- "Some preliminary Remarks to a Study of Rhetorical Devices in Chán yǔlù 禪語錄
Encounter dialogues.", in: Christoph Anderl (ed.)
Zen Buddhist Rhetoric in China, Korea, and Japan, Leiden, Boston and Tokyo, 2011, p.219-238.
- "道藏輯要の編纂と電子化をめぐる諸問題", in: 麥谷邦夫(編)
三教交渉論叢續編、京都 2011, p.471-499.
- "Notes on some Anecdotes pertaining to Ritual and Punishment from the Recorded Sayings
of Chan Buddhism.", in: 冨谷 至(編)
東アジアにおける礼儀と刑罰, 京都, 2011, p.83-110.
"Text and Tradition in Chinese Buddhism", in:
Research on the Chinese Materials in the Berlin Turfan Collection: Continued, edited by Tsuneki Nishiwaki, Kyoto 2009, p. 105-111.
"Character Encoding", in:
Blackwell Companion to Digital Literary Studies, edited by Ray Siemens and Susan Schreibman, Oxford 2007, p.
"Writing Systems and Character Representation", in:
Electronic Textual Editing, edited by Lou
Burnard, Katherine O'Brien O'Keffe and John
Unsworth, New York 2006, p.