Journal articles
- "Some observations concerning rules and the violation of rules in Chan/Zen Buddhism", in:
Public Notion of Crime and Law in East Asia -- Crime and Society in East Asia --, edited by Itaru Tomiya and Reinhard Emmerich, Kyoto, 2013, p.113-120.
- "Beyond TEI: Returning the Text to the Reader", in:
Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative
[Online], 2013, 4.
- "Towards an Architecture for Active Reading", in:
Scholarly and Research Communication
[Online], 2013, volume 3 / issue 4 p.1-11.
- "The Digital Daozang Jiyao -- How to get the edition into the Scholar's labs", in:
digital humanities 2012. Conference Abstracts, Hamburg, 2012, p.422-424.
- "Digital Editions of Premodern Chinese Texts: Methods and Problems - Exemplified Using
the Daozang Jiyao", in:
Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal, 25, 2012, p. 167-193.
- "TEI テキスト・モデルの今昔", in:
情報の構造とメタデータ 京都, 2012, p.21-36.
- "The role of the Tripitaka Koreana as a Model of the Digital Tripitaka", in:
International Symposium in Commemoration of Millenial Anniversary of the Tripitaka
Koreana. Millenial Tripitaka Koreana, Communicate with the World
Gwangjon (Korea), 2011, p.52-71.
- "Towards building a Digital Tripitaka in East Asia", in:
The Millenium Tripitaka Koreana. Rediscover the Value. Gwangjon (Korea), 2010, p.97-134.
- "Mandoku – An Incubator for Premodern Chinese Texts – or How to Get the Text We Want:
An Inquiry into the Ideal Workflow", in:
Digital Humanities 2010. Conference abstracts. London, 2010, p. 271-273.
- "デジタル漢籍の新しいテキストモデル", in:
東方学報 第85冊、京都 2010, 554-543.
- Christian Wittern, Arianna Ciula and Conal Tuohy, "The making of TEI P5", in:
Literary and Linguistic Computing, Vol. 24 (3) 2009, 281-296.
- "Improving Findability: Faceted Search with Lucene, Solr and VUFind", in:
東洋学へのコンピュータ利用第19回セミナー, 2008年3月21日, p85 - 101.
"Lessons learned from the
Knowledgebase of Tang Civilization project", in:
「漢字文化三千年」国際シンポジウム報告書, edited by Takata Tokio, 2008年2月, p 46-58.
"Patterns of Variation: The Textual Sources of the Chinese Buddhist Canon
as Seen through the CBETA Edition", in:
Essays on East Asian Religion and Culture edited by Christian Wittern and
Shi Lishan, Kyoto 2007, pp
- "Digital Text, Meaning and the World : Preliminary considerations
for a Knowledgebase of Oriental Studies", in:
Ritual and Punishment in East
, 2007, pp. 41-58(
"Entrance Through the Scriptures: Catalogues and Electronic Text as a
New Gate to the Buddhist Tradition" in:
中華佛學學報 [
Chung-Hwa Journal of Buddhist
], Vol. 20, 2007, p. 413-429
- "漢讀:新しいテキスト・モデルに基づいた東洋学文献研究支援ツール"ウィッテルン・クリスティアン and 中楯はまな, in:
情報処理学会 研究報告 2007-CH-74, 2007, pp.9-16
- "Mazu Daoyi, Reden und Aufzeichnungen - Yulu", in:
Die Religionen der Welt. Ein Almanach zur Eröffnung des Verlags der Weltreligionen, Hans-Joachim Simm, Frankfurt 2007, p. 74.
- "Pang Jushi, Reden und Aufzeichnungen - Yulu", in:
Die Religionen der Welt. Ein Almanach zur Eröffnung des Verlags der Weltreligionen, Hans-Joachim Simm, Frankfurt 2007, p. 74-75.
- "Aufzeichnungen von der Übertragung der Leuchte aus der Ära Jingde - Jingde chuandeng
lu", in:
Die Religionen der Welt. Ein Almanach zur Eröffnung des Verlags der Weltreligionen, Hans-Joachim Simm, Frankfurt 2007, p. 76.
- (ed.)"国際セミナー TEI Day in Kyoto 2006 報告書"2006年12月 (
- "XML文章検索", in:
2006年度東アジア人文情報学サマーセミナー報告書, pp. 65-85, 2006年11月
- "Ressources for Research on Tang Civilization", in:
An Odd Basket of ODDs,
Digital Humanities
, Association for Digital Humanities Organization, Centre de Recherche
Cultures Anglophones et Technologies de l'Information, Paris Sorbonne, 241-244, 2006
- "唐代ナリッジベースからみた禅宗", in:
漢字文化研究年報1, 96-108.,2006
- "XML 概論", in:
2005年度東アジア人文情報学サマーセミナー報告書, p. 25-33, 2005年11月
- "Summer Seminar 2005: The World of XML Markup", in:
2005年度東アジア人文情報学サマーセミナー報告書, p. 35-45, 2005年11月
- "The Text in the Age of Digital Reproduction",
The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century. Proceedings of the Fourth
Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism
, p.389-414, 2005
- "From Text to Information -- Small Steps towards a Knowledgebase of
Tang Civilization",
日中共同シンポジウム「漢字文献資料庫的技術」報告書, p.38-47, 2005年7月
- "The Chan School as Seen through the Tang Knowledgebase",
p.371-388, 2004年12月
- "唐代ナリッジベースに向かって",
5, p.20-24
- (ed.)"公開ワークショップ:「唐代ナリッジベースの可能性」報告書"2004年6月 (
- "禅とコンピューター (四)",
192, p.136-138
- " ドイツの漢学:過去と現在",
神戸大学創立90周年記念事業による文化学研究科国際シンポジウム 日本の中国研究と欧米の中国研究報告書, p.19-21
- "2003年 TEI メンバース ミーティング"
2, p.7
- "禅とコンピューター (三)",
191, p.22-25
- "唐代研究ナリッジベース"(共著)
創刊号, p.6-8
- "禅とコンピューター (二)",
190, p.97-101
- "Embedding Glyph Identifiers in XML Documents",
4, p.74-79
- "禅とコンピューター (一)",
189, p.32-35
"Style and Fashion in Early Song Chan Yulu", in:
Facets of Tibetan Religious Tradition and Contacts with Neighbouring Cultural
, edited by Alfredo Cadonna and Ester Bianchi, Venice 2002, p. 127-151.
- "Charting of Unknown Territory: Application of Topic Maps to
Chan-Buddhist Chronicles", in:
Journal of Electronic Buddhist
, Volume 3, December 2001, p. 239-251.
"Editing XML", in:
Information Management for Buddhist Libraries]
Vol. 24, 2001, p.
- "漢文電子佛典製作興運用之研究 -- 以『瑜伽師地論』為例"(with Hui-min Bhikkhu, Aming Tu, Lijuan Guo, Ray Chou)
中華佛學學報 [
Chung-Hwa Journal of Buddhist
], Vol. 14, 2001, p. 43-53.
"電子化とは何か?", in: 京都大学人文科学研究所付属漢字情報研究センター刊
No. 3, 2001, p. 4-5.
- "Some thoughts on the digitization of Kanji", in:
全国文献、情報センター人文社会科学学術情報セミナーシリー ズ [
Seminar Series of the National Documentation and Information Centers in
] No. 11, 2001, p. 9-36.
"Buddhist Studies in the Digital Age" in:
中華佛學學報 [
Chung-Hwa Journal of Buddhist
], Vol. 13.2, 2000, p. 461-501.
"Thirty Blows if You Succeed, Thirty Blows if You Fail", in:
Annual Report of the Institute for Zen Studies, No. XXV, 2000, p. 1-14.
"Non-system characters in XML documents", in:
全国文献、情報センター人文社会科学学術情報セミナーシリー ズ [
Series of the National Documentation and Information Centers in Humanities
No. 10, 2000, p.
"The Issue of Rare Characters: Coding, Input and Output",
presentation given at the 5th PNC meeting, May 16th
1998 in Taipei, Taiwan; published in:
Annual meeting of Pacific
Neighbourhood Consortium May 15-18, 1998. Proceedings
, p. 449-472.
"數位化中文佛教大藏經" ["Digitization
of the Chinese Buddhist Canon"], in:
佛教圖書館館訊 [
Information Management for Buddhist
] Vol. 15, 1998, p.24-27 (in Chinese).
"Introduction to KanjiBase. A practical approach to the encoding of
variant and rare characters in premodern Chinese texts", in:
Chinesisch und Computer, Nr. 10, Dezember 1997, p. 42-48.
"Unicode rückt naher. Auf dem Weg zur praktischen Arbeit mit der
universellen Kodierung", in:
Chinesisch und Computer,
Nr. 10, Dezember
1997, p. 53-56.
"A New Strategy for Dealing with Missing Chinese Characters",
Humanities and Information Processing
No. 10, Februar 1996, p
52-59 (with Urs App, in
"The EBTI Haiensa meeting", in:
The Electronic
, Nr. 4, June 1995, p 23-26.
"Markup at the input level", in:
The Electronic
, Nr. 4, June 1995, p 27-29.
"Windows and the world", in:
The Electronic
, Nr. 4, June 1995, p 42-45.
"The IRIZ KanjiBase", in:
The Electronic
, Nr. 4, June 1995, p 58-62.
"Chinese character codes: an update", in:
Electronic Bodhidharma
, Nr. 4, June 1995, p 63-65.
"Code und Struktur: Einige vorläufige Überlegungen zum Aufbau
chinesischer Volltextdatenbanken", in:
Chinesisch und
, Nr.9, January 1994, p 37-49.
"Chinese Character Encoding", in:
The Electronic
, Nr. 3, July 1993, p 44-47.
"PC's im Land der aufgehenden Sonne", in:
Chinesisch und Computer, Nr.8, January 1993, p 80-86.