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These texts were input at our institute in the framework of the Zen KnowledgeBase project.
You can use our data files as you like, provided that there is NO COMMERCIAL USE (no use on "freeware and shareware" CD's either!) and that you ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR USE, as is commonly done with printed materials (see citation information in the text headers).
The headers must remain part of the text; cutting them off contributes to the mess with versionless electronic texts floating around the world. Texts without headers are like books without title pages. They make upgrading to later versions impossible and are a sure way toward bad scholarship.
On this page, the JIS and Big5 versions of our texts can be downloaded in a specific format (*.app) created for fast line-based searches. Other formats are available on our ZenBase CD1 CD-ROM disk.
You can either download entire folders (Mac files have long file names in Chinese characters; DOS files have short files in Chinese characters which can be made long by our batch files) or single files (short file names in Roman characters). For copying, simply click on the appropriate highlighted text.
Now (May 20, 1996) all JIS files and folders for the Macintosh are available in easy download format. They have long Japanese file names convenient for use with our search tool (see above) and open by simply dropping the icon on Stuffit Expander or some other decompression tool for the Mac.
Now (May 21, 1996) all JIS files and folders for DOS/Windoz are available in easy download format. The file names can be converted to kanji and long kanji or back to roman names by using our batch files (see above). All files are in .zip format and can be decompressed by PKZIP, Winzip or any other of the many unzippers.
Now (May 23, 1996) all Big5 files and folders for DOS/Windoz are available in easy download format
The Big5 files for the Mac will take a few more days.

Entire Folders

Zen record folder 1 (29 well-known Chan records):

Zen record folder 2 (23 additional Chan records):

Treatises folder (20 treatises, sutras):

Large text & collections folder (10 large texts & collections):

On the rest of the page, you will be able to copy single texts as before

Single Texts

[Shishuang Chuyuan] Ciming chanshi yulu from fascicle 11 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Baofeng Yunan zhenjing chanshi yulu from fascicle 41-45 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu


Bingzhou Chengtian Song chanshi yulu from fascicle 10 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Caoshan dashi yulu

Changuan cejin

Chanlin sengbao chuan

Chanyuan zhuquanji duxu

Chanzong wumenguan

Chizhou Nanquan Puyuan chanshi yuyao from fascicle 12 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Chuanxin fayao

Chuzhou Langyashan Jue heshang yulu from fascicle 46 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Dasui kaishan Shenzhao chanshi yulu from fascicle 35 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Donglin heshang Yunmenan zhu song gu from fascicle 47 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Fascicle 30 of the Jingde chuandenglu

Fayan zong (Wujia yulu)

Fengxue chanshi yulu from fascicle 7 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Fenyang heshang yulu

Fenyang Zhao chanshi yulu from fascicle 10 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Foyan chanshi yulu from fascicle 27-34 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Fozhao chanshi zou duilu from fascicle 48 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Gushan Xianxing Sheng guoshi heshang fatang xuanyao guangji from fascicle 37 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Guzunsu yuyao quanbu mulu

Houzhu Tanzhou Yungaishan Huihaisi yulu from fascicle 19 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Huanglong (Sijia yulu)

Huangmei Dongshan Yan heshang yulu from fascicle 22 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu


Junzhou Dayu Zhi heshang yulu from fascicle 25 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Lengjia shiziji

Muzhou heshang yulu from fascicle 6 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Nian bafang zhuyu ji

Pang jushi yulu

Platform sutra


Preface to the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Quzhou Zihushan diyidai shenli chanshi yulu from fascicle 12 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Record of Baizhang Huaihai chanshi from fascicle 1-2 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Record of Dongshan (version B)

Record of Dongshan (version A)

Record of Junzhou Huangbo Duanji chanshi from fascicle 2-3 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Record of Linji

Record of MAZU

Record of Mazu Daji chanshi from fascicle 1 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Record of NANQUAN

Record of Nanyue Dahui chanshi from fascicle 1 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Record of Zhaozhou

Ruzhou Nanyuan chanshi yulu from fascicle 7 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Ruzhou Shoushan Nian heshang yulu from fascicle 8 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Ruzhou Ye xian Guangjiaosheng chanshi yulu from fascicle 23 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Shanhui dashi yulu

Shimenshan Cizhao chanshi fengyan ji from fascicle 9 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Shishuang Chuyuan ciming yulu

Shuzhou Baiyunshan Haihui Yan heshang chuzhu Simianshan yulu from fascicle 20-21 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Shuzhou Fahua Ju heshan yuyao from fascicle 26 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Sijia yulu

Tanzhou Daowu Zhen chanshi yuyao from fascicle 19 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Tanzhou Shendingshan diyidai Yin chanshi yulu from fascicle 24 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Tiansheng guangdenglu

Tongxuan bai wen

Touzi heshang yulu from fascicle 36 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Vajrasamadhi sutra


Wudeng huiyuan

Wujia yulu




Xiangzhou Dongshan dierdai [shou] Chu chanshi yulu from fascicle 38 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Xinghua chanshi yulu from fascicle 5 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Xuefeng yulu


Xukan guzunsu yuyao


Yuanzhou Yangqishan Putong chanyuan Hui heshang yulu from fascicle 19 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Yunfeng [wen] Yue chanshi chuzhu Cuiyan yulu from fascicle 40-41 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Yunmen Kuangzhen chanshi guanglu from fascicle 15-18 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Yuxuan yulu

Zhengfayan zhang

Zhenzhou Linji Huizhao chanshi yulu from fascicle 4-5 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Zhimen Zou chanshi yulu from fascicle 39 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu

Zongjing lu


Author:Urs APP
Last updated: 96.05.23