Entire Folders
Zen record folder 1 (29 well-known Chan records):
Zen record folder 2 (23 additional Chan records):
Treatises folder (20 treatises, sutras):
Large text & collections folder (10 large texts & collections):
On the rest of the page, you will be able to copy single texts as before
Single Texts
[Shishuang Chuyuan] Ciming chanshi yulu from fascicle 11 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: shishngg.app
- Text title in JIS code: yΑ^zWt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: ijOIvy
- Text title in Pinyin: [Shishuang Chuyuan] Ciming chanshi yulu from fascicle 11 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 281-290
- Long JIS filename: Α^Wt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: Ivy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 13 / uncompressed = 22 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Baofeng Yunan zhenjing chanshi yulu from fascicle 41-45 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: baofeng.app
- Text title in JIS code: _^Wt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: _pgubIvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Baofeng Yunan zhenjing chanshi yulu from fascicle 41-45 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 698-774
- Long JIS filename: _^Wt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: _pgubIvy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 83 / uncompressed = 174 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
- Short file name: hozoron.app
- Text title in JIS code: U_
- Text title in Big-5 code: _ý
- Text title in Pinyin: Baozanglun
- Printed text: Taisho shinshu daizokyo Vol. 45 No.1857
- Long JIS filename: U_.CORR.T45 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: _ý.CORR.T45 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 18 / uncompressed = 33 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Bingzhou Chengtian Song chanshi yulu from fascicle 10 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: chngtian.app
- Text title in JIS code: BVWt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: }{ӤѷCIvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Bingzhou Chengtian Song chanshi yulu from fascicle 10 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 275-280
- Long JIS filename: BVWt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: }{ӤѷCIvy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 10 / uncompressed = 17 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Caoshan dashi yulu
- Short file name: caoshan.tab
- Text title in JIS code: Rt
- Text title in Big-5 code: sjvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Caoshan dashi yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 119 pp. 922-941
- Long JIS filename: R.TAB.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: sjvy.TAB.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 21 / uncompressed = 40 Kb
- File format: tab / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Changuan cejin
- Short file name: sakushin.app
- Text title in JIS code: W萍i
- Text title in Big-5 code: Ii
- Text title in Pinyin: Changuan cejin
- Printed text: Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo Vol. 48 No. 2024
- Long JIS filename: W萍i.CORR.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: Ii.CORR.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 28 / uncompressed = 53 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Chanlin sengbao chuan
- Short file name: soboden.app
- Text title in JIS code: WёmB
- Text title in Big-5 code: IL_
- Text title in Pinyin: Chanlin sengbao chuan
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 137 pp. 439-568
- Long JIS filename: WёmB.BETA.ZZ137 (Folder: Collection)
- Long Big5 filename: IL_.BETA.ZZ137 (Folder: Collection)
- File size compressed = 166 / uncompressed = 311 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Chanyuan zhuquanji duxu
- Short file name: tojo.app
- Text title in JIS code: WFWs
- Text title in Big-5 code: IѸධ
- Text title in Pinyin: Chanyuan zhuquanji duxu
- Printed text: Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo Vol. 48 No. 2015
- Long JIS filename: WFWs.BETA.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: IѸධ.BETA.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 42 / uncompressed = 78 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Chanzong wumenguan
- Short file name: wumeng.app
- Text title in JIS code: W@
- Text title in Big-5 code: IvL
- Text title in Pinyin: Chanzong wumenguan
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 119 pp. 319-335
- Long JIS filename: ZZ.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: IvLZZ.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 17 / uncompressed = 33 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Chizhou Nanquan Puyuan chanshi yuyao from fascicle 12 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: nanquan.app
- Text title in JIS code: rBWtv
- Text title in Big-5 code: {nu@Ivyn
- Text title in Pinyin: Chizhou Nanquan Puyuan chanshi yuyao from fascicle 12 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 290-300
- Long JIS filename: rBWtv.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: {nu@Ivyn.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 13 / uncompressed = 25 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Chuanxin fayao
- Short file name: denshin.app
- Text title in JIS code: @RЍWtBS@v
- Text title in Big-5 code: Фs_IvǤߪkn
- Text title in Pinyin: Chuanxin fayao
- Printed text: Taisho shinshu daizokyo Vol. 48 No. 2012A
- Long JIS filename: BS@v.CORR.T48 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: Ǥߪkn.CORR.T48 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 13 / uncompressed = 22 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Chuzhou Langyashan Jue heshang yulu from fascicle 46 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: langya.app
- Text title in JIS code: &C0-DE51;B&C0-B278;RSa^
- Text title in Big-5 code: Q{xsıM|y
- Text title in Pinyin: Chuzhou Langyashan Jue heshang yulu from fascicle 46 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 774-795
- Long JIS filename: Sa^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: Q{xsıM|y.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 24 / uncompressed = 50 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Dasui kaishan Shenzhao chanshi yulu from fascicle 35 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: dasui.app
- Text title in JIS code: 笊JR_Wt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: jH}sIvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Dasui kaishan Shenzhao chanshi yulu from fascicle 35 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 611-620
- Long JIS filename: 笊JR_Wt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: jH}sIvy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 14 / uncompressed = 25 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Donglin heshang Yunmenan zhu song gu from fascicle 47 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: donglin.app
- Text title in JIS code: @јa_
- Text title in Big-5 code: FLM|gD|j
- Text title in Pinyin: Donglin heshang Yunmenan zhu song gu from fascicle 47 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 795-822
- Long JIS filename: јa_.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: FLM|gD|j.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 25 / uncompressed = 52 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Fascicle 30 of the Jingde chuandenglu
- Short file name: cdl30.app
- Text title in JIS code: iB^ɑO\
- Text title in Big-5 code: wǿOĤTQ
- Text title in Pinyin: Fascicle 30 of the Jingde chuandenglu
- Printed text: Taisho shinshu daizokyo Vol. 51 No. 2076
- Long JIS filename: B^30.CORR.T51 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: wǿO30.CORR.T51 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 23 / uncompressed = 37 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Fayan zong (Wujia yulu)
- Short file name: fayan.app
- Text title in JIS code: ܉ƌ^y@@z
- Text title in Big-5 code: ayikvj
- Text title in Pinyin: Fayan zong (Wujia yulu)
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 119 pp. 994-1008
- Long JIS filename: ܉ƌ^@@.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: aykv.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 18 / uncompressed = 35 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Fengxue chanshi yulu from fascicle 7 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: fengxue.app
- Text title in JIS code: Wt
- Text title in Big-5 code: Ivy
- Text title in Pinyin: Fengxue chanshi yulu from fascicle 7 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 240-242
- Long JIS filename: Wt.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: Ivy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 5 / uncompressed = 8 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Fenyang heshang yulu
- Short file name: fenyang.tab
- Text title in JIS code: za^
- Text title in Big-5 code: WM|y
- Text title in Pinyin: Fenyang heshang yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 120 pp. 83-161
- Long JIS filename: za^.TAB.BETA.ZZ120 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: WM|y.TAB.BETA.ZZ120 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 77 / uncompressed = 136 Kb
- File format: tab / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Fenyang Zhao chanshi yulu from fascicle 10 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: fenyangg.app
- Text title in JIS code: za^
- Text title in Big-5 code: WM|y
- Text title in Pinyin: Fenyang Zhao chanshi yulu from fascicle 10 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 269-275
- Long JIS filename: za^.TAB.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: WM|y.TAB.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 10 / uncompressed = 16 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Foyan chanshi yulu from fascicle 27-34 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: foyan.app
- Text title in JIS code: ŊWt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: Ivy
- Text title in Pinyin: Foyan chanshi yulu from fascicle 27-34 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 499-611
- Long JIS filename: ŊWt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: Ivy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 125 / uncompressed = 255 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Fozhao chanshi zou duilu from fascicle 48 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: fozhao.app
- Text title in JIS code: ŏWtt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: Iv
- Text title in Pinyin: Fozhao chanshi zou duilu from fascicle 48 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 822-835
- Long JIS filename: ŏWtt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: Iv.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 18 / uncompressed = 34 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Gushan Xianxing Sheng guoshi heshang fatang xuanyao guangji from fascicle 37 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: xingshng.app
- Text title in JIS code: ێR拻ta@vAW
- Text title in Big-5 code: stvM|kȭns
- Text title in Pinyin: Gushan Xianxing Sheng guoshi heshang fatang xuanyao guangji from fascicle 37 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 629-645
- Long JIS filename: ێR拻tAW.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: stvs.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 19 / uncompressed = 39 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Guzunsu yuyao quanbu mulu
- Short file name: gzsyyml.tab
- Text title in JIS code: ÑhvSژ^ etc
- Text title in Big-5 code: jLJynؿetc
- Text title in Pinyin: Guzunsu yuyao quanbu mulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 119 pp. 190-203
- Long JIS filename: ÑhvSژ^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: jLJynؿ.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = xx / uncompressed = 27 Kb
- File format: tab / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Houzhu Tanzhou Yungaishan Huihaisi yulu from fascicle 19 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: yungai.app
- Text title in JIS code: ZKB_WRC^
- Text title in Big-5 code: {\s|xy
- Text title in Pinyin: Houzhu Tanzhou Yungaishan Huihaisi yulu from fascicle 19 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 400-404
- Long JIS filename: _WRC^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: \s|xy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 7 / uncompressed = 12 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Huanglong (Sijia yulu)
- Short file name: hlsijia.app
- Text title in JIS code: lƌ^
- Text title in Big-5 code: s|ay
- Text title in Pinyin: Huanglong (Sijia yulu)
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 120 pp. 187-243
- Long JIS filename: lƌ^.BETA.ZZ120 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: s|ay.BETA.ZZ120 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 63 / uncompressed = 124 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Huangmei Dongshan Yan heshang yulu from fascicle 22 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: huangmei.app
- Text title in JIS code: ~Ra^
- Text title in Big-5 code: FstM|y
- Text title in Pinyin: Huangmei Dongshan Yan heshang yulu from fascicle 22 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 439-453
- Long JIS filename: ~Ra^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: FstM|y.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 18 / uncompressed = 32 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
- Short file name: zekkan.app
- Text title in JIS code: V_
- Text title in Big-5 code: [
- Text title in Pinyin: Jueguanlun
- Printed text: The electronic text of the Jueguanlun follows the edition contained in Seizan Yanagida et al.'s "A Dialogue on the Contemplation-Extinguished" (Kyoto: Institute for Zen Studies; 1973); but in a few places the punctuation was changed.
- Long JIS filename: V_.CORR.YANAGIDA (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: [.CORR.YANAGIDA (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 11 / uncompressed = 20 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Junzhou Dayu Zhi heshang yulu from fascicle 25 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: dayu.app
- Text title in JIS code: &C0-B861;BŘa^
- Text title in Big-5 code: a{jM۩M|y
- Text title in Pinyin: Junzhou Dayu Zhi heshang yulu from fascicle 25 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 478-489
- Long JIS filename: Řa^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: jM۩M|y.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 15 / uncompressed = 28 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Lengjia shiziji
- Short file name: shijiki.app
- Text title in JIS code: tL
- Text title in Big-5 code: vO
- Text title in Pinyin: Lengjia shiziji
- Printed text: Taisho shinshu daizokyo Vol. 85 No. 2837
- Long JIS filename: tL.CORR.T85 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: vO.CORR.T85 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 22 / uncompressed = 38 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Muzhou heshang yulu from fascicle 6 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: muzhou.app
- Text title in JIS code: rBa^
- Text title in Big-5 code: {M|y
- Text title in Pinyin: Muzhou heshang yulu from fascicle 6 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 223-236
- Long JIS filename: rBa^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: {M|y.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 15 / uncompressed = 35 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Nian bafang zhuyu ji
- Short file name: bafang.app
- Text title in JIS code: _ʏW
- Text title in Big-5 code: K]ɶ
- Text title in Pinyin: Nian bafang zhuyu ji
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 119 pp. 203-319
- Long JIS filename: _ʏW.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: K]ɶ.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 117 / uncompressed = 262 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Pang jushi yulu
- Short file name: pang.tab
- Text title in JIS code: &C0-C365;m^
- Text title in Big-5 code: e~hy
- Text title in Pinyin: Pang jushi yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 120 pp. 055-82
- Long JIS filename: قm^.TAB.BETA.ZZ120 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: e~hy.TAB.BETA.ZZ120 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 28 / uncompressed = 49 Kb
- File format: tab / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Platform sutra
- Short file name: rokuso.app
- Text title in JIS code: dS
- Text title in Big-5 code: ¸g
- Text title in Pinyin: Platform sutra
- Printed text: Taisho shinshu daizokyo Vol. 48 No. 2007
- Long JIS filename: ZcdS.CORR.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: ¸g.CORR.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 21 / uncompressed = 38 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
- Short file name: poxiang.app
- Text title in JIS code: j_
- Text title in Big-5 code: ĤG}۽
- Text title in Pinyin: Poxianglun
- Printed text: Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo Vol. 48 No. 2009
- Long JIS filename: j_.BETA.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: }۽.BETA.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 9 / uncompressed = 15 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Preface to the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: gzsylx.app
- Text title in JIS code: dÑh^
- Text title in Big-5 code: jLJy
- Text title in Pinyin: Preface to the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 152-158
- Long JIS filename: dÑh^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Collection)
- Long Big5 filename: jLJy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Collection)
- File size compressed = 3 / uncompressed = 4 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Quzhou Zihushan diyidai shenli chanshi yulu from fascicle 12 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: zihu.app
- Text title in JIS code: ˏBqΎR_Wt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: {lsĤ@NOIvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Quzhou Zihushan diyidai shenli chanshi yulu from fascicle 12 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 300-304
- Long JIS filename: qΎR_Wt.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: lsOIvy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 7 / uncompressed = 12 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Record of Baizhang Huaihai chanshi from fascicle 1-2 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: baizhang.app
- Text title in JIS code: SCWt
- Text title in Big-5 code: ʤVhIv
- Text title in Pinyin: Record of Baizhang Huaihai chanshi from fascicle 1-2 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 161-180
- Long JIS filename: SCWt.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: ʤVhIv.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 23 / uncompressed = 47 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Record of Dongshan (version B)
- Short file name: touzanb.app
- Text title in JIS code: Rt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: }sjvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Record of Dongshan (version B)
- Printed text: Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo Vol. 47 No. 1986B
- Long JIS filename: RB.CORR.T47 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: }sjvyB.CORR.T47 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 23 / uncompressed = 43 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Record of Dongshan (version A)
- Short file name: touzana.app
- Text title in JIS code: R{t^
- Text title in Big-5 code: }sjvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Record of Dongshan (version A)
- Printed text: Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo Vol. 47 No. 1986A
- Long JIS filename: RA.CORR.T47 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: }sjvyA.CORR.T47 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 27 / uncompressed = 51 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Record of Junzhou Huangbo Duanji chanshi from fascicle 2-3 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: huangbo.app
- Text title in JIS code: &C0-B861;B@ЍWt
- Text title in Big-5 code: a{_Iv
- Text title in Pinyin: Record of Junzhou Huangbo Duanji chanshi from fascicle 2-3 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 180-198
- Long JIS filename: @ЍWt.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: a{_Iv.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 22 / uncompressed = 45 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Record of Linji
- Short file name: rinzai.app
- Text title in JIS code: BZdWt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: {{ټzIvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Record of Linji
- Printed text: Taisho shinshu daizokyo Vol. 47 No. 1985
- Long JIS filename: Z^.CORR.T47 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: {ټzIvy.CORR.T47 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 27 / uncompressed = 51 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Record of MAZU
- Short file name: mazu.app
- Text title in JIS code: ncWt
- Text title in Big-5 code: jIIv
- Text title in Pinyin: Record of MAZU
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 119 pp. 809-817
- Long JIS filename: nc.CORR.ZZ119 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: jIIv.CORR.ZZ119 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 5 / uncompressed = 6 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Record of Mazu Daji chanshi from fascicle 1 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: baso.app
- Text title in JIS code: ncWt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: 谨D@Ivy
- Text title in Pinyin: Record of Mazu Daji chanshi from fascicle 1 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 159-161
- Long JIS filename: ncWt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: D@Ivy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 10 / uncompressed = 6 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Record of NANQUAN
- Short file name: nansen.app
- Text title in JIS code: rBWtv
- Text title in Big-5 code: {nu@Ivyn
- Text title in Pinyin: Record of NANQUAN
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 290a-300a
- Long JIS filename: v.CORR.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: nu@Ivyn.CORR.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 13 / uncompressed = 23 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Record of Nanyue Dahui chanshi from fascicle 1 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: nanyue.app
- Text title in JIS code: ԑdWt
- Text title in Big-5 code: njzIv
- Text title in Pinyin: Record of Nanyue Dahui chanshi from fascicle 1 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 158-159
- Long JIS filename: ԑdWt.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: njzIv.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 4 / uncompressed = 5 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Record of Zhaozhou
- Short file name: zhaozhou.app
- Text title in JIS code: B^Wt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: {uIvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Record of Zhaozhou
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 304-334
- Long JIS filename: B^.CORR.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: {uIvy.CORR.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 34 / uncompressed = 72 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Ruzhou Nanyuan chanshi yulu from fascicle 7 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: nanyuan.app
- Text title in JIS code: B@Wtv
- Text title in Big-5 code: {n|Ivyn
- Text title in Pinyin: Ruzhou Nanyuan chanshi yulu from fascicle 7 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 236-240
- Long JIS filename: B@Wtv.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: {n|Ivyn.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 7 / uncompressed = 12 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Ruzhou Shoushan Nian heshang yulu from fascicle 8 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: shoushan.app
- Text title in JIS code: BROa^
- Text title in Big-5 code: {sM|y
- Text title in Pinyin: Ruzhou Shoushan Nian heshang yulu from fascicle 8 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 242-257
- Long JIS filename: ROa^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: {sM|y.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 17 / uncompressed = 37 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Ruzhou Ye xian Guangjiaosheng chanshi yulu from fascicle 23 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: guangjia.app
- Text title in JIS code: BtpAWt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: {sЬIvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Ruzhou Ye xian Guangjiaosheng chanshi yulu from fascicle 23 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 453-468
- Long JIS filename: AWt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: {sЬIvy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 17 / uncompressed = 36 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Shanhui dashi yulu
- Short file name: fudashi.tab
- Text title in JIS code: Pdm^
- Text title in Big-5 code: zjh
- Text title in Pinyin: Shanhui dashi yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 120 pp. 1-55
- Long JIS filename: Pdm^.TAB.BETA.ZZ120 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: zjh.TAB.BETA.ZZ120 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 60 / uncompressed = 102 Kb
- File format: tab / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Shimenshan Cizhao chanshi fengyan ji from fascicle 9 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: smcizhao.app
- Text title in JIS code: ΖRWtPW
- Text title in Big-5 code: ۪sOIvɶ
- Text title in Pinyin: Shimenshan Cizhao chanshi fengyan ji from fascicle 9 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 257-269
- Long JIS filename: ΖRWtPW.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: ۪sOIvɶ.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 15 / uncompressed = 31 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Shishuang Chuyuan ciming yulu
- Short file name: shishuan.app
- Text title in JIS code: Α^
- Text title in Big-5 code: Oy
- Text title in Pinyin: Shishuang Chuyuan ciming yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 120 pp. 161-186
- Long JIS filename: Α^.BETA.ZZ120 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: Oy.BETA.ZZ120 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 29 / uncompressed = 60 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Shuzhou Baiyunshan Haihui Yan heshang chuzhu Simianshan yulu from fascicle 20-21 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: haihui.app
- Text title in JIS code: B_RCaZlʎR^
- Text title in Big-5 code: Φ{նs|tM||sy
- Text title in Pinyin: Shuzhou Baiyunshan Haihui Yan heshang chuzhu Simianshan yulu from fascicle 20-21 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 411-439
- Long JIS filename: _RCa^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: նs|tM|y.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 34 / uncompressed = 69 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Shuzhou Fahua Ju heshan yuyao from fascicle 26 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: quanju.app
- Text title in JIS code: B@؎Rav
- Text title in Big-5 code: Φ{kؤs|M|yn
- Text title in Pinyin: Shuzhou Fahua Ju heshan yuyao from fascicle 26 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 489-499
- Long JIS filename: @؎Rav.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: kؤs|M|yn.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 13 / uncompressed = 25 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Sijia yulu
- Short file name: sijiayl.app
- Text title in JIS code: lƌ^
- Text title in Big-5 code: |ay
- Text title in Pinyin: Sijia yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 119 pp. 809-848
- Long JIS filename: lƌ^.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Collection)
- Long Big5 filename: |ay.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Collection)
- File size compressed = 44 / uncompressed = 90 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Tanzhou Daowu Zhen chanshi yuyao from fascicle 19 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: daowu.app
- Text title in JIS code: KB^Wtv
- Text title in Big-5 code: {D^uIvyn
- Text title in Pinyin: Tanzhou Daowu Zhen chanshi yuyao from fascicle 19 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 404-411
- Long JIS filename: KB^Wtv.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: {D^uIvyn.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 10 / uncompressed = 17 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Tanzhou Shendingshan diyidai Yin chanshi yulu from fascicle 24 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: shending.app
- Text title in JIS code: KB_CR&C0-EBA2;Wt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: {sĤ@NIvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Tanzhou Shendingshan diyidai Yin chanshi yulu from fascicle 24 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 468-478
- Long JIS filename: KB_CRWt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: {sIvy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 14 / uncompressed = 26 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Tiansheng guangdenglu
- Short file name: tsgdl.app
- Text title in JIS code: VA^
- Text title in Big-5 code: ѸtsO
- Text title in Pinyin: Tiansheng guangdenglu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 135 pp. 595-902
- Long JIS filename: VA^.BETA.ZZ135 (Folder: Collection)
- Long Big5 filename: ѸtsO.BETA.ZZ135 (Folder: Collection)
- File size compressed = 302 / uncompressed = 667 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Tongxuan bai wen
- Short file name: txbaiwen.tab
- Text title in JIS code: ʌS
- Text title in Big-5 code: qȦʰ
- Text title in Pinyin: Tongxuan bai wen
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 119 pp. 335-345
- Long JIS filename: ʌS.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: qȦʰ.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 23 / uncompressed = 40 Kb
- File format: tab / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Touzi heshang yulu from fascicle 36 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: tuozi.app
- Text title in JIS code: qa^
- Text title in Big-5 code: lM|y
- Text title in Pinyin: Touzi heshang yulu from fascicle 36 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 620-629
- Long JIS filename: qa^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: lM|y.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 12 / uncompressed = 25 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Vajrasamadhi sutra
- Short file name: kongo.app
- Text title in JIS code: OS
- Text title in Big-5 code: TNg
- Text title in Pinyin: Vajrasamadhi sutra
- Printed text: Taisho shinshu daizokyo Vol. 9 No. 273
- Long JIS filename: OS.CORR.T9 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: TNg.CORR.T9 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 19 / uncompressed = 40 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
- Short file name: enryo.app
- Text title in JIS code: @ЍWt˘^
- Text title in Big-5 code: _Iv{
- Text title in Pinyin: WANLINGLU
- Printed text: Taisho shinshu daizokyo Vol. 48 No. 2012B
- Long JIS filename: ˘^.CORR.T48 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: _Iv{.CORR.T48 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 10 / uncompressed = 16 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
Wudeng huiyuan
- Short file name: wdhy.app
- Text title in JIS code: ܓ
- Text title in Big-5 code: O|
- Text title in Pinyin: Wudeng huiyuan
- Printed text: Zhonghua Shuju 1984 edition
- Long JIS filename: ܓ.BETA.ZHONGHUA SHUJU (Folder: Collection)
- Long Big5 filename: O|.BETA.ZHONGHUA (Folder: Collection)
- File size compressed = 944 / uncompressed = 1892 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Wujia yulu
- Short file name: wujia.app
- Text title in JIS code: ܉ƌ^
- Text title in Big-5 code: ay
- Text title in Pinyin: Wujia yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 119 pp. 848-921
- Long JIS filename: ܉ƌ^.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Collection)
- Long Big5 filename: ay .BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Collection)
- File size compressed = 83 / uncompressed = 177 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
- Short file name: mumonk.app
- Text title in JIS code: W@
- Text title in Big-5 code: IvL
- Text title in Pinyin: WUMENGUAN
- Printed text: Taisho shinshu daizokyo Vol. 48 No. 2005
- Long JIS filename: .CORR.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: L.CORR.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 17 / uncompressed = 33 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = CORR (checked five to ten times)
- Short file name: wuxingl.app
- Text title in JIS code: ܖ含_
- Text title in Big-5 code: Ĥʽ
- Text title in Pinyin: Wuxinglun
- Printed text: Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo Vol. 48 No. 2009
- Long JIS filename: 含_.BETA.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: ʽ.BETA.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 7 / uncompressed = 12 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
- Short file name: mushinr.app
- Text title in JIS code: S_
- Text title in Big-5 code: L߽
- Text title in Pinyin: Wuxinlun
- Printed text: Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo Vol. 85 No. 2831
- Long JIS filename: S_.BETA.T85 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: L߽.BETA.T85 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 4 / uncompressed = 6 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Xiangzhou Dongshan dierdai [shou] Chu chanshi yulu from fascicle 38 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: dsshou.app
- Text title in JIS code: BRyzWt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: {}sĤGNiujIvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Xiangzhou Dongshan dierdai [shou] Chu chanshi yulu from fascicle 38 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 645-660
- Long JIS filename: R珉Wt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: }suIvy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 21 / uncompressed = 41 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Xinghua chanshi yulu from fascicle 5 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: xinghua.app
- Text title in JIS code: Wt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: Ivy
- Text title in Pinyin: Xinghua chanshi yulu from fascicle 5 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 220-223
- Long JIS filename: Wt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: Ivy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 5 / uncompressed = 7 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Xuefeng yulu
- Short file name: xuefeng.tab
- Text title in JIS code: ^
- Text title in Big-5 code: py
- Text title in Pinyin: Xuefeng yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 119 pp. 942-993
- Long JIS filename: ^.TAB.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: py.TAB.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 55 / uncompressed = 102 Kb
- File format: tab / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
- Short file name: xuemai.app
- Text title in JIS code: Z匌_
- Text title in Big-5 code: Ĥ߽
- Text title in Pinyin: Xuemailun
- Printed text: Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo Vol. 48 No. 2009
- Long JIS filename: _.BETA.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: ߽.BETA.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 9 / uncompressed = 15 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Xukan guzunsu yuyao
- Short file name: xgzs.app
- Text title in JIS code: 㔊Ñhv
- Text title in Big-5 code: ZjLJyn
- Text title in Pinyin: Xukan guzunsu yuyao
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 837-1000 &
- Long JIS filename: 㔊Ñhv.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Collection)
- Long Big5 filename: ZjLJyn.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Collection)
- File size compressed = 396 / uncompressed = 793 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
- Short file name: gennin.app
- Text title in JIS code: l_
- Text title in Big-5 code: H
- Text title in Pinyin: Yuanrenlun
- Printed text: Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo Vol. 45 No. 1886
- Long JIS filename: @l_.BETA.T45 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: H.BETA.T45 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 11 / uncompressed = 16 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Yuanzhou Yangqishan Putong chanyuan Hui heshang yulu from fascicle 19 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: yangqi.app
- Text title in JIS code: ͏BkRW@a^
- Text title in Big-5 code: K{sqI||M|y
- Text title in Pinyin: Yuanzhou Yangqishan Putong chanyuan Hui heshang yulu from fascicle 19 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 398-400
- Long JIS filename: kRa^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: s|M|y.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 4 / uncompressed = 6 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Yunfeng [wen] Yue chanshi chuzhu Cuiyan yulu from fascicle 40-41 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: wenyue.app
- Text title in JIS code: _yzxWtZ܌^
- Text title in Big-5 code: pijIvAɻy
- Text title in Pinyin: Yunfeng [wen] Yue chanshi chuzhu Cuiyan yulu from fascicle 40-41 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 671-698
- Long JIS filename: _xWt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: p宮Ivy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 31 / uncompressed = 63 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Yunmen Kuangzhen chanshi guanglu from fascicle 15-18 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: yunmen.app
- Text title in JIS code: _勧^WtA^
- Text title in Big-5 code: JuIvs
- Text title in Pinyin: Yunmen Kuangzhen chanshi guanglu from fascicle 15-18 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 334-398
- Long JIS filename: _勧^WtA^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: JuIvs.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 68 / uncompressed = 160 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Yuxuan yulu
- Short file name: yuxuan.app
- Text title in JIS code: I^
- Text title in Big-5 code: sy
- Text title in Pinyin: Yuxuan yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 119 pp. 357-809
- Long JIS filename: I^.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Collection)
- Long Big5 filename: sy.BETA.ZZ119 (Folder: Collection)
- File size compressed = 484 / uncompressed = 988 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Zhengfayan zhang
- Short file name: zfyz.tab
- Text title in JIS code: @U
- Text title in Big-5 code: k
- Text title in Pinyin: Zhengfayan zhang
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 1-156
- Long JIS filename: d@U.TAB.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Collection)
- Long Big5 filename: k.TAB.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Collection)
- File size compressed = 166 / uncompressed = 307 Kb
- File format: tab / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Zhenzhou Linji Huizhao chanshi yulu from fascicle 4-5 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: linji.app
- Text title in JIS code: BZdWt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: {{ټzIvy
- Text title in Pinyin: Zhenzhou Linji Huizhao chanshi yulu from fascicle 4-5 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 198-220
- Long JIS filename: ZdWt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- Long Big5 filename: {ټzIvy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku1)
- File size compressed = 27 / uncompressed = 51 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Zhimen Zou chanshi yulu from fascicle 39 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Short file name: zhimen.app
- Text title in JIS code: qNWt^
- Text title in Big-5 code: Ivy
- Text title in Pinyin: Zhimen Zou chanshi yulu from fascicle 39 of the Chongke guzunsu yulu
- Printed text: Dainippon Zokuzokyo Vol. 118 pp. 662-671
- Long JIS filename: qNWt^.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- Long Big5 filename: Ivy.BETA.ZZ118 (Folder: Goroku2)
- File size compressed = 13 / uncompressed = 24 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Zongjing lu
- Short file name: sugyo.app
- Text title in JIS code: @^
- Text title in Big-5 code: v
- Text title in Pinyin: Zongjing lu
- Printed text: Taisho shinshu daizokyo Vol. 48 Nr. 2016
- Long JIS filename: @^.ALPHA.T48 (Folder: Collection)
- Long Big5 filename: v.ALPHA.T48 (Folder: Collection)
- File size compressed = 1233 / uncompressed = 2618 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = ALPHA (checked only once)
- Short file name: saijojo.app
- Text title in JIS code: ŏ㘩_
- Text title in Big-5 code: ̤W
- Text title in Pinyin: Zuishangchenglun
- Printed text: Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo Vol. 48 No. 2009
- Long JIS filename: ŏ㘩_.BETA.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- Long Big5 filename: ̤W.BETA.T48 (Folder: Treatises etc)
- File size compressed = 7 / uncompressed = 12 Kb
- File format: app / Correction status = BETA (checked two to three times)
Author:Urs APP
Last updated: 96.05.23