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Z0590240 ‰{γS\“ρŽν

yue4 jing1 shi2 er4 zhong3

‘召˜©ζ‘γS•”  ΄ 
ŸΔ’π jing4 ting3   [’˜]   14 Šͺ

Canonical Sources


Structural Division

  1. y‰ΨšŽγSθρ z ( hua1 yan2 jing1 song4 )
  2. yž–Τ‰ϊŒυ z ( fan4 wang3 jie4 guang1 )
  3. yžΏ‰ΎSˆσ z ( leng2 jia1 xin1 yin4 )
  4. yˆΫ–€ι`γ z ( wei2 mo2 rao2 she2 )
  5. yš’ζS˜AŽμ z ( yuan2 jue2 lian2 zhu1 )
  6. yžΏšŽ“š–⠁z ( leng2 yan2 da2 wen4 )
  7. yεZŽt“•c0-bf56 z ( yao4 shi1 deng1 yan4 )
  8. yœ\‘Ιγ‘Š z ( mi2 tuo2 she2 xiang4 )
  9. y‹ΰ„ŽO–† z ( jin1 gang1 san1 mei4 )
  10. ySγS‹ε‹` z ( xin1 jing1 ju4 yi4 )
  11. y–@‰ΨŒœζ z ( fa3 hua1 xuan2 tan2 )
  12. yŸΈžΟ––Œγ‹ε z ( nie4 pan2 mo4 hou4 ju4 )

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02