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T26N1541 OŽ–•ªˆ¢”ù“ܘ_

zhong4 shi4 fen1 a1 pi2 tan2 lun4

‚µ‚µ‚ザ‚Ô‚ñ‚ ‚Ñ‚Ç‚ñ‚ë‚ñ

”ù“Ü•”  —«‘v 
‘¸ŽÒ¢—F zun1 zhe3 shi4 you3 ‚»‚ñ‚¶‚Ⴙ‚䂤
‹“ßæë‘É—… qiu2 na3 ba2 tuo2 luo2 ‚®‚Ȃ΂Á‚¾‚ç
•ì’ñ–ëäq pu2 ti2 ye1 she4 ‚Ú‚¾‚¢‚₵‚á  [æ¡]   12 Šª

Canonical Sources

CanonVol.Nr.PageSource Texts
’†‰Ø044H10350145-0260 ‹àähœAŸŽ›–{

Related Texts

  1. T26N1542 ˆ¢”ù’B–•i—Þ‘«˜_

Structural Division

  1. ŒÜ–@•i wu3 fa3 pin3
  2. •ª•Ê’q•i fen1 bie2 zhi4 pin3
  3. •ª•Ê”“ü•i fen1 bie2 zhu1 ru4 pin3
  4. •ª•ÊŽµŽ–•i fen1 bie2 qi1 shi4 pin3
  5. •ª•Ê”Žg•i fen1 bie2 zhu1 shi3 pin3
  6. •ª•Ê•i fen1 bie2 she4 pin3
  7. ç–â˜_•i qian1 wen4 lun4 pin3
  8. ¢•i ze2 pin3

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02