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Texts in —₯‘`•”

  1. T40N1804 Žl•ͺ—₯™ˆ”Ι•β荍sŽ–ηβ
  2. T40N1805 Žl•ͺ—₯sŽ–ηβŽ‘Ž‹L
  3. T40N1806 Žl•ͺ—₯”δ‹uŠά’‰ϊ–{
  4. T40N1807 Žl•ͺ—₯‰ϊ–{‘`
  5. T40N1808 Žl•ͺ—₯™ˆ•β笋@γΉ–
  6. T40N1809 ‘mγΉ–
  7. T40N1810 “ςγΉ–
  8. T40N1811 •μŽF‰ϊ‹`‘`
  9. T40N1812 “Vδi•μŽF‰ϊ‘`
  10. T40N1813 ž–ΤγS•μŽF‰ϊ–{‘`
  11. T40N1814 •μŽF‰ϊ–{‘`
  12. T40N1815 ž–ΤγSŒΓq‹L

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02