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Texts associated with æSèf

æSèf jue2 wan3 ‚©‚­‚΂ñ

There is a total of 25 texts associated with æSèf in this database:

Texts associated with æSèf are known in the following periods/areas:

  1. T56N2191 –@‰ØãSâOç×
  2. T57N2203B ”ÊŽáSãSâOŒ®—ª’
  3. T61N2238 —ŽïãSŽíŽqç×
  4. T69N2285 ç×–€ædŸ¥˜_ŽwŽ–
  5. T70N2291 ‹à„’¸à’†á¢ˆ¢ãÓ‘½—…ŽOåWŽO•ì’ñS˜_âOç×
  6. T79N2510 èû–§•s“¯èñ
  7. T79N2511 ^Œ¾@‘¦g¬˜Å‹`Í
  8. T79N2512 œ(žŽš)ŽšâOç×
  9. T79N2513 œ(žŽš)Žš‹`
  10. T79N2514 ŒÜ—֋㎚–¾âO–§ç×
  11. T79N2515 –§šŽŸÄ“y—ªæV
  12. T79N2516 âO–§äµšŽ™B–@Ÿó’¸ˆêˆÙ‹`
  13. T79N2517 \”ª“¹¹‘¿
  14. T79N2518 ‹à„’¸ãS˜@‰Ô•”S”OæuŽŸ‘湑¿
  15. T79N2519 ‘ÙåUŠE¹‘¿
  16. T79N2520 SŒŽ—ÖâOç×
  17. T79N2521 ^Œ¾ŸÄ•ì’ñSŽ„‹L
  18. T79N2522 ˆ¢œ\‘ÉâOç×
  19. T79N2523 ^Œ¾@‹`
  20. T79N2524 âO–§äµšŽ•s“ñ‹`Í
  21. T79N2525 ^Œ¾ŽO–§Cs–â“š
  22. T79N2526 ™®á¢èñ
  23. T79N2527 –§šŽ‰@ᢘIœð‰÷•¶
  24. T84N2726 ˆ¤õ‰¤uŽ®
  25. T84N2727 ‹•·Ž•\”’

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02