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Texts associated with ลŸ

ลŸ zui4 cheng2 ‚ณ‚ข‚ฟ‚ๅ‚ค

There is a total of 12 texts associated with ลŸ in this database:

Texts associated with ลŸ are known in the following periods/areas:

  1. T55N2159 ™B‹ณ‘ๅŽt›’˜าไiB˜^
  2. T55N2160 ™B‹ณ‘ๅŽt›’˜า‰zB˜^
  3. T56N2193 ’–ณ—ส‹`ใS
  4. T74N2361 Š่•ถ
  5. T74N2362 Ž็Œ์š ŠEอ
  6. T74N2363 –@‰ุ’ทu˜๐Žฎ
  7. T74N2364 ’ทu‹เŒ๕–พใS˜๐Žฎ
  8. T74N2365 ’ทum‰ค”สŽแใS˜๐Žฎ
  9. T74N2376 ่๛‰๚˜_
  10. T74N2377 ŽR‰ฦ›{ถŽฎ
  11. T74N2378 Ž๖•์ŽF‰๚‹V
  12. T84N2722 ๅZŽt”@˜าuŽฎ

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Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02