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Texts associated with ‹gεU

‹gεU ji2 zang4 ‚«‚Ώ‚Ό‚€

There is a total of 28 texts associated with ‹gεU in this database:

Texts associated with ‹gεU are known in the following periods/areas:
V—… δ@ 

  1. T33N1696 ‘ε•i—VˆΣ
  2. T33N1699 ‹ΰ„”ΚŽα‘`
  3. T33N1707 m‰€”ΚŽαγS‘`
  4. T34N1720 –@‰ΨŒΊ˜_
  5. T34N1721 –@‰Ψ‹`‘`
  6. T34N1722 –@‰Ψ—VˆΣ
  7. T35N1731 ‰ΨšŽ—VˆΣ
  8. T37N1744 Ÿι‘›ŒA
  9. T37N1746 –³—ΚšζγS‹`‘`
  10. T37N1752 ζV–³—ΚšζγS‹`‘`
  11. T38N1768 ŸΈžΟ—VˆΣ
  12. T38N1771 œ\θΣγS—VˆΣ
  13. T38N1780 ŸΔ–ΌŒΊ˜_
  14. T38N1781 ˆΫ–€γS‹`‘`
  15. T39N1787 ‹ΰŒυ–ΎγS‘`
  16. T40N1818 –@‰Ψ˜_‘`
  17. T42N1824 ’†ζV˜_‘`
  18. T42N1825 \“ρ–ε˜_‘`
  19. T42N1827 •S˜_‘`
  20. T45N1852 ŽO˜_ŒΊ‹`
  21. T45N1853 ‘ε˜©ŒΊ˜_
  22. T45N1854 “ρ’ϊ‹`
  23. Z0290189 ˆΫ–€γS—ͺ‘`
  24. Z0300363 Ÿι‘γS›ŒA
  25. Z0380016 ‘ε•iγS‹`‘` ’AŒ‡‘ζ“ρ
  26. Z0430001 –@‰ΨγS“—ͺ
  27. Z0730737 •S˜_‘` ’A‘΄’†
  28. Z0970574 ŽO˜_—ͺΝ

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02