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Texts associated with ˆźs

ˆźs yi1 xing2 ‚¢‚悬‚傤

There is a total of 11 texts associated with ˆźs in this database:

Texts associated with ˆźs are known in the following periods/areas:

  1. T18N0848 ‘å”łįøŽÕ“ߐ¬˜Å_Ģ‰ĮŽćS
  2. T18N0877 ‹ą„’øćS”łįøŽÕ“߈ź•S”Ŗ‘ø–@gŒ_ˆó
  3. T19N0922 åZŽt—®—žŒõ”@˜ŅĮŠœ“ļ”Oęu‹V‹O
  4. T19N0981 ‘å”łįøŽÕ“ߘŊįCs‹V‹O
  5. T21N1219 ™ÖŽźŽŗ—˜‰‹™Öœ{‰ŽäŻˆ¤āOp”@ˆÓ–@
  6. T21N1304 h—j‹V‹O
  7. T21N1309 Žµ—jÆ’C•Źs–@
  8. T21N1310 –k“lŽµÆŒģ–€–@
  9. T39N1796 ‘å”łįøŽÕ“ߐ¬˜ÅćS‘`
  10. Z0360507 ‘å“śćS‹`ē×
  11. Z1040394 ŠÅ–½ˆź¶‹ą

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02