No.	漢文	英文	Remarks
111	予助苗長矣	I have been helping the sprouts to grow. (Mèng 2A/2)	
112	勸齊伐燕,有諸	Is it true that you urged Qí to attack Yān?(Mèng 2A/9)	
113	是使民養生喪死無憾也	This is to let the people nourish the living and mourn the dead without regrets.(Mèng 1A/3)	
114	毋令水潦能入	… so as not to let the flood waters be able to enter.(Mò 61/1)	
115	助之長者	One who helps them to grow… (Mèng 2A/2)	
116	且故興天下之利,除天下之害,令國家百姓之不治也,自古及今,未嘗之有也	"Moreover it has never happened from ancient times to the present that by deliberately producing what is beneficial to the world and getting rid of what is harmful, one has caused the state and the people to be not well governed.(Mò 25/16)"	
117	天下可運於掌	… the world may be revolved in the palm of your hand. (Mèng 1A/7)	
118	則文王不足法與	Then King Wén not worthy of being taken as a model? (Mèng 2A/1)	
119	久則難變也	"Having lasted a long time, it was difficult to change. (Mèng 2A/1)"	
120	三年學,不至於穀,不易得也	To study for three years and not arrive at goodness is not easy to achieve. (LY 8/12)	
121	五十者可以衣帛矣	The fifty year olds will be able to wear silk. (Mèng 1A/3)	
122	吾力足以舉百鈞而不足以舉一羽	My strength is sufficient to lift 3000 catties but is not sufficient to lift one feather. (Mèng 1A/7)	
123	何如斯可謂之士矣	What must one be like before it is possible to call him one of the gentry? (LY 13/20)	
124	以不忍人之心,行不忍人之政,治天下可運之掌上	"What a merciful heart practising merciful government, ruling the world was [as if] it was possible to turn it in the palm of one's hand. (Mèng 2B/6)"	
125	可使制梃以撻楚之堅甲利兵矣	They may be made to fashion clubs with which to strike the hard armour and sharp weapons of Qín and Chǔ. (Mèng 1A/5)	146と重複
126	可謂孝矣	… it may be called filial. (Mèng 3A/2)	
127	我不可不監于有夏	We must not fail to take Xià as our mirror. (Shū 32:460 Shàogào)	
128	秦女絕美,王可自取	"The woman of Qín is extremely beautiful, Your Majesty should take her for yourself. (Shǐjì 66.2171)"	
129	是以,惟仁者宜在高位	"Therefore, only one who is benevolent is fit to be in a high position. (Mèng 4A/1)"	
130	我善養吾浩然之氣	I am good at nourishing my overflowing breath. (Mèng 3A/1)	
131	滕文公為世子,將之楚,過宋,而見孟子	"When Duke Wén of Téng was Crown Prince, he passed through Sòng on his way to Chǔ and Saw Mencius.( Mèng 3A/1 --More literally: Duke Wén of Téng was Crown Prince, was going to go to Chǔ, passed through Song and saw Mencius)"	
132	猶緣木而求魚也…緣木求魚,雖不得魚,無後災	"It is like climbing a tree to hunt for fish … If one climbs a tree to hunt for fish, even though one does not get fish, there is no disaster afterwards. (Mèng 1A/7)"	
133	棄甲曳兵而走	"Throwing down their armour and dragging their weapons, they run away. (Mèng 1A/3)"	
134	盛德之下,君不得而臣,父不得而子	"A scholar of complete virtue, the ruler is not able to treat as subject and the father is not able to treat as son. (Mèng 5A/4)"	
135	下位而不獲於上,民不得而治也	"If one occupies a lower position and does not botain the confidence of the ruler, the people cannot be ruled. (Mèng 4A/13)"	
136	可得聞乎	May I hear about it? (Mèng 1A/7 -- Literally: May it be got and heard?)	
137	此率獸而食人也	This is leading animals to eat people. (Mèng 1A/4)	299と重複
138	然後驅而之善	Afterwards you may drive [the people] to go towards goodness. (Mèng 1A/7)	
139	我辭禮矣,彼則以之	I declined the ritual; they used it. (Zuǒ Xiāng 10/2)	
140	醒,以戈逐子犯	"When he revived, he chased Zífàn with a halberd. (Zuǒ Xī  23/fù2)"	
141	殺人以梃	To kill a man with a club … (Mèng 1A/4)	
142	以五十步笑百步則何如	"If because of [only running] fifty paces they laughed at [those who ran] one hundred paces, how would it be? (Mèng 1A/3)"	
143	斧斤以時入山林	If axes enter the hills and woods at the proper season … (Mèng 1A/3)	
144	以位,則子君也,我臣也	"One of basis of rank, you are the tuler and I am the subject. (Mèng 5B/7)"	
145	入以事其父兄,出以事其長上	"Going in they will therewith serve their fathers and elder brothers; going out, they will therewith serve their elders and superiors. (Mèng 1A/5)"	
146	可使制梃以撻楚之堅甲利兵矣	They may be made of fashion clubs in order to strike the hard armour and sharp weapons of Qín and Chǔ. (Mèng 1A/5)	125と重複
147	否,自生民以來,未有孔子也	"No, since the birth of mankind, there has never been [another] like our Confucius. (Mèng 2A/2)"	
148	卿以下必有圭田	"From the high ministers downward, they had to have their sacrificial land. (Mèng 3A/3)"	
149	亦將有以利吾國乎	Surely you are going to have whereby to benefit my country. (Mèng 1A/1)	
150	百姓皆以王為愛也	The common people all took Your Majesty to be stingy. (Mèng 1A/7)	
151	民猶以為小		
152	正直是與		
153	無眾而後伐之,欲禦我誰與		
154	古之人與民偕樂		
155	不與惡人言		
156	或問乎曾西曰,吾子與子路孰賢		
157	王自以為與周公孰仁且智		
158	嘒彼小星,維參與昴		
159	穀與魚𩦉不可勝食		
160	夫子為衛君乎		
161	為長者折枝		
162	而王豈為是哉		
163	為其象人而用之也		
164	改禮而猶遷之,群臣懼死,不敢自也		
165	自楚之滕		
166	舍正路而不由		
167	他日,由鄒之任,見季子		
168	由湯至於武丁		
169	何由知吾可		
170	良人…施施從外來		
171	邊鄙殘,國固守,鼓鐸之聲於耳,而乃用臣斯之計,晚矣		
172	王立於沼上		
173	河內凶,則移其民於河東,移其粟於河內		
174	出乎爾者反乎爾者也		
175	吾聞出於幽谷遷于喬木者		
176	皆欲出於王之塗		
177	於我心有戚戚焉		
178	鄭人有欲買履者。先自度其足而置其坐		
179	寡人之於國也,盡心焉耳矣		
180	始吾於人也,聽其言而信其行。今吾於人也,聽其言而觀其行		
181	治天下,使有菽粟如水火		
182	良君將賞善而刑淫,養民如子,蓋之如天,容之如地		
183	民歸之由水之就下		
184	及其使人也,器之		
185	滅國者五十		
186	文王之囿方七十里		
187	直不百步耳		
188	年已七十矣		
189	今滕絕長補短,將五十里也		
190	西喪地於秦七百里		
191	吾何愛一牛		
192	輿薪之不見,為不用明焉		
193	得百里之地而君之,皆能以朝諸侯,有天下		
194	齊為衛故,伐晉冠氏,喪車五百		
195	皆賜玉五玨,馬三匹		
196	當秦之隆,黃金萬鎰為用		
197	由堯舜至於湯,五百有歲餘		
198	子罕言利與命與仁		
199	予及汝皆亡		
200	宋及鄭平		
201	王之諸臣		
202	勞於王事		
203	不忍人之心		
204	侮奪人之君		
205	賢聖之君		
206	滕君則誠賢君也		
207	是不為也,非不能也		
208	是亦走也		
209	使之主事而事治,百姓安之,是民受之也		
210	于越夷貉之子生而同聲,長而異俗,教使之然也		
211	王道之始也		
212	故王之不王,不為也,非不能也		
213	王若隱其無罪而就死地,則牛羊何擇焉		
214	何由知吾可也		
215	比其反也		
216	成季之將生也,桓公使卜		
217	古之為關也,將以禦暴		
218	吾嘗跂而望矣,不如登高之博見也		
219	彼見來之并禽		
220	以是知其天也		
221	三家者以雍徹		
222	鳥獸之害人者消		
223	不為者與不能者之形,何以異		
224	他日君出,則必命有司所之		
225	之治天下,豈無所用其心哉		
226	所謂故國者		
227	王在靈囿,麀鹿攸伏		
228	然而不王者,未之有也		
229	萬取千焉,千取百焉,不為不多矣		
230	萬乘之國,弒其君者,比千乘之家		
231	五畝之宅,樹之以桑		
232	戎狄是膺		
233	寡人之從君而西也,亦晉之妖夢是踐		
234	病而後質焉,何遲之有		
235	是之不務而又焉從事		
236	若晉君朝以入,則婢子夕以死,夕以入,則朝以死		
237	夫子之謂也		
238	非此之謂也		
239	是夫也,將不唯衛國之敗		
240	余必臣是助		
241	此二人者實弒寡君		
242	非知之實難		
243	王之不王是折枝之類也		
244	天也,非人也。天之生是使獨也		
245	士則茲不悅		
246	是則可憂也		
247	孔子曰,聖則吾不能		
248	鳥則擇木,木豈能擇鳥		
249	君子之於禽獸也,見其生而不忍見其死		
250	周公之不有天下,猶益之於夏,伊尹之於殷也		
251	丈夫之冠也,父命之,女子之嫁也,母命之		
252	鯉也死,有棺而無槨		
253	維天有漢		
254	夫明堂者,王者之堂也		
255	有顏回者,好學		
256	夫撫劍疾視曰,彼惡敢當我哉,此匹夫之勇,敵一人者也		
257	夫我乃行之		
258	夫誰與王敵		
259	待文王而興者,凡民也。若夫豪傑之士,雖無文王,猶興		
260	為善矣,乃所謂善也。若夫為不善,非才之罪也		
261	予助苗長矣		
262	晉楚之富不可及也,彼以其富,我以吾仁,彼以其爵,我以吾義,吾何慊乎哉		
263	余而祖也		
264	而乃今知之乎		
265	之二蟲又何知		
266	是魯孔丘與		
267	彼丈夫也,我丈夫也,吾何畏彼哉		
268	其人弗能應也		
269	萬取千焉		
270	斯天下之民至焉		
271	殆有甚焉		
272	必知亂之所自起,焉能治之		
273	而暴國安自化矣		
274	曰,從余言,必為孟孫。再三云,羯從之		
275	晉平公之於亥唐也,入云則入,坐云則坐,食云則食		
276	仲父之病病矣,可不諱(謂)云		
277	子曰,汝安知魚樂云者		
278	今言王若易然,則文王不足法與		
279	其心曰,是何足與言仁義也云爾		
280	射者正己而後發		
281	夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人		
282	仁以為己任		
283	無友不如己者		
284	不患人之不己知		
285	身為天子,弟為匹夫,可謂親愛之乎		
286	父母之不我愛		
287	故不吾遠也		
288	僂句不余欺也		
289	盟曰,我無爾詐,爾無我虞		
290	孰能與之。天下莫不與		
291	其取諸民之不義也,而以他辭無受不可乎		
292	聖人吾不得而見之矣		
293	有事而不告我,必不捷矣		
294	夫不惡女乎		
295	臣未之聞也		
296	莫之能禦		
297	掩之誠是也		
298	無是非之心,非人也		
299	此率獸而食人也		
300	彼一時,此一時也