Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar の例文
最終更新日: 2017/06/01
- I. Introduction
- II. Some Basic Principles of Classical Chinese Syntax
- 1. Word Classes
- 2. Subject and Predicate
- 3. Word Order
- III. Noun Predication
- 1. Verbless Noun Predication
- (a) Questions
- (b) Pronouns and Particles with Verbless Noun Predicates
- (c) Verbless Comparisons withYóu 猶
- (d) Omission of Yé 也
- (e) The Aspect Particle Yǐ 已after Verbless Noun Predicates
- (f) Other Meaning of Yě 也
- 2. The Copula Verb Wéi 為
- 3. The Copula Yué 曰
- 4. The Preclassical Copula Wéi 唯(隹,惟,維)
- IV. Verbal Predicates
- 1. Classes of Verbs
- 2. Adjectives