User View of TEI schemas

Using Roma

By far the easiest way to get a customized view of a TEI schema is by using the webservice available at

Roma allows to:

  • Select the modules of the TEI to be used
  • Add or delete TEI defined elements from these modules
  • Add newly defined elements
  • Modify the content models
  • Compile all this into either DTD, XML Schema or Relax NG schema

... And all this with an easy to use interface!

Selecting Tag Sets

In P4, before Roma, it was done like this:

A `view' of the DTD is created by using the main DTD (tei2.dtd) and selecting the appropriate subsets, e.g:

<!DOCTYPE TEI.2 SYSTEM 'tei2.dtd' [ 
<!ENTITY % TEI.prose 'INCLUDE' > 
<!ENTITY % TEI.analysis 'INCLUDE' > 

Element Classes

Elements and their attributes are grouped into `classes'.

Model classes

  • share syntactic properties (occur in same position)
  • may have similar meaning

Attribute classes

  • share attributes
  • generally have similar meaning

Both types of class may have subclasses; both have inheritance. Both are documented and used to generate the schema.

Modifying the TEI schema

A user can modify the TEI schema by

  • renaming elements
  • suppressing elements
  • adding elements
  • modifying elements
  • invoking local modifications
  • documenting local modifications

All modifications are invoked by defining the extension entities as follows:

<!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.ent 
   SYSTEM 'project.ent' > 
<!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.dtd 
   SYSTEM 'project.dtd' >
The modifications itself are then placed in the files `project.ent' and `project.dtd'.

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