- Introduction: why bother with electronic
- Document Analysis: defining the essentials of your
- Markup and the Basics of XML
- Introduction to the TEI
- TEI Lite
- Tagging a Text
- Why do electronic texts at all?
- Why bother with markup?
- The steps of a project:
- clarify goals
- select sample and analyze documents
- specify markup policy
- encode the texts
- enrich, reuse, retarget, ...
The steps of a project (really)
This is how it works in most real-life
- start encoding of the texts
- discover some problems
- modify the schema or the encoding practice
- revalidate the texts encoded so far
Not recommended, but hard to avoid!
For More Information
- Go to the TEI
- read the TEI Guidelines for Electronic Text
Encoding and Interchange P4 (Chicago, Oxford, Bergen, Charlottesville:
TEI, 2002)
- There is also a brandnew prepublication version of the latest version, P5!
- subscribe to the TEI mailing list TEI-L@LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU