User View of the TEI DTD

Selecting Tag Sets

A `view' of the DTD is created by using the main DTD (tei2.dtd) and selecting the appropriate subsets, e.g:

<!DOCTYPE tei.2 SYSTEM 'tei2.dtd' [ 
<!ENTITY % TEI.prose 'INCLUDE' > 
<!ENTITY % TEI.analysis 'INCLUDE' > 

Element Classes

Elements and their attributes are grouped into `classes'.

Model classes

  • share syntactic properties (occur in same position)
  • may have similar meaning

Attribute classes

  • share attributes
  • generally have similar meaning

Both types of class may have subclasses; both have inheritance. Both are documented and used to generate the DTD.

Modifying the TEI DTD

A user can modify the TEI DTD by

  • renaming elements
  • suppressing elements
  • adding elements
  • modifying elements
  • invoking local modifications
  • documenting local modifications

All modifications are invoked by defining the extension entities as follows:

<!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.ent system 'project.ent' > 
<!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.dtd system 'project.dtd' >
The modifications itself are then placed in the files `project.ent' and `project.dtd'.

Ordering a DTD from the Pizza-Chef

Since the invocation and modification is rather complex, a DTD delivery service has been established at the TEI Consortium ( Ordering a DTD is very simple:

  • Visit the Pizza-Chef at the TEI Consortium
  • Select the base tag set(s)
  • Add and/or delete additional tags
  • Upload your own modifications, if you have some
  • Select a SGML or XML version of the DTD
  • Voilá — take delivery of a fresh DTD immediately!

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