Selecting Tag SetsA `view' of the DTD is created by using the main DTD (tei2.dtd) and selecting the appropriate subsets, e.g: <!DOCTYPE tei.2 SYSTEM 'tei2.dtd' [ <!ENTITY % TEI.prose 'INCLUDE' > <!ENTITY % TEI.analysis 'INCLUDE' > <!ENTITY % TEI.fs 'INCLUDE' > ] > Element ClassesElements and their attributes are grouped into `classes'. Model classes Attribute classes Both types of class may have subclasses; both have inheritance. Both are documented and used to generate the DTD. Modifying the TEI DTDA user can modify the TEI DTD by
All modifications are invoked by defining the extension entities as follows: <!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.ent system 'project.ent' > <!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.dtd system 'project.dtd' >The modifications itself are then placed in the files `project.ent' and `project.dtd'. Ordering a DTD from the Pizza-ChefSince the invocation and modification is rather complex, a DTD delivery service has been established at the TEI Consortium ( Ordering a DTD is very simple: |
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