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Installing and using MacPerl

A good number of tools on the ZenBase CD1 are written for and run with MacPerl. You find MacPerl in the MACPERL subdirectory of the OMAKE directory on the CD.

Installation procedure

Simply pull the MacPerl folder onto your hard disk. Then open that folder and copy the two following files into the Preferences folder inside your System folder:
  1. MacPerl Help
  2. MacPerl Runtime
If you encounter any memory problems when running our tools, select the MacPerl icon, choose "Get Information" from the File Menu (command-i) and make its memory size a bit larger. If the problem persists, do the same for MacPerl Runtime.

Using MacPerl programs

MacPerl tools on the ZenBase CD 1 are all very easy to use. Simply pull the file that you want the program to work on onto the program's icon and drop it (for example, if you want to create a concordance from a text file, pull your text file onto the CONCORD icon). Then you will be asked to give a name to the resulting file. Our tools leave your original files as they are.

Author:Urs App
Last updated: 95.5.13