1. Introduction
A general introduction to the course, Digital Humanities etc. Among other things we will look at a video by Michael Wesch about digital text.
2. More about Digital Humanities, Modelling
[2009-09-07], [2009-09-09]
A closer look at the Digital Humanist and his activities.
Presentation file for modelling
Reading:- Willard McCarthy, Humanities Computing , (2005), Introduction and 1. Modelling (p. 1-72; @16-@88).
Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens and John Unsworth (ed.): A Companion to Digital Humanities, (2004). The Digital Humanities and Humanities Computing, An Introduction
John Unsworth, Scholarly Primitives: what methods do humanities researchers have in common, and how might our tools reflect this?; part of a symposium on "Humanities Computing: formal methods, experimental practice" sponsored by King's College, London, May 13, 2000.