C. Wittern: 東アジア人文情報学 京都大学大学院 人間・環境学研究科
時間: 月曜日 13:00
場所: 人文科学研究所北白川分館応接室
資料 / Materials
- [1] Willard McCarty: Humanities Computing, Houndmills,
Hampshire and New York, 2005 (Palgrave
- [2] Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens and John Unsworth (ed.): A
Companion to Digital Humanities, Malden MA, Oxford and Victoria,
2004 (Blackwell Publishing). online version
- [3] Erik T. Ray: 入門 XML(第2版), Sebastopol et.al, 2004 (O'Reilly).
Humanities Computing
- [7] 1. Modelling in [1].
- [8] Empirical Modelling
- [9] C. M. Sperberg-McQueen: Classification and its Structures in [2].
Digital Text / Markup
- [10] Charles F. Goldfarb: Introduction to Generalized
Markup, first published as "A Generalized Approach to Document Markup", in SIGPLAN Notices, June 1981.
- [11] James H. Coombs, Allen H. Renear, Steven J. DeRose: Markup Systems and the Future of
Scholarly Text Processing, in: Communications of the ACM 30 (November 1987); 933-47.
- [12] Allen Renear, Elli Mylonas and David Durand Refining our Notion of What Text
Really Is: The Problem of Overlapping
Final version, January 6, 1993. A slightly edited version of this paper was published in 1996 in Research in Humanities Computing, Oxford University Press, Nancy Ide and Susan Hockey, eds. An earlier version was presented at the annual joint meeting of the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, Christ Church, Oxford University, April 1992.
- [13] David G. Durand, Steven J. DeRose and Elli Mylonas: What should markup really be?
Paper presented at ALLC/ACH '96 (June 25 - 29, 1996. University of Bergen, Norway).
- [14] Jerome McGann: Rethinking Textuality
2000. An experiment about graphic features of textual documents, "Metalogics of the Book".
- [15] C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Claus Huitfeldt and Allen Renear: Meaning and interpretation of markup
This article was published in Markup Languages: Theory & Practice 2.3 (2000): 215-234.
- [16] Andreas Witt: Meaning and interpretation of concurrent markup
Presentaion at the ALLC/ACH Conference 2002.
- [17] Jerome McGann: Marking Texts of Many Dimensions in [2].
- [18] Allen H. Renear Text Encoding in [2].
- [19] Steven J. DeRose, David G. Durand, Elli Mylonas, Allen
H. Renear, What is Text, Really?, in: Journal of Computing in
Higher Education, Winter 1990, Vol. 1(2), 3-26.