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T52N2110 辯正論

bian4 zheng4 lun4


Alternative title: 辯正理論  bian4 zheng4 li3 lun4

法琳 fa3 lin2 ほうりん  [撰]   8 巻

Canonical Sources

CanonVol.Nr.PageSource Texts
中華062H11860464-0607 高麗臧本 金臧廣勝寺本

Structural Division

  1. 三教治道篇 san1 jiao4 zhi4 dao4 pian1
  2. 十代奉佛篇 shi2 dai4 feng4 fo2 pian1
  3. 佛道先後篇 fo2 dao4 xian1 hou4 pian1
  4. 釋李師資篇 shi4 li3 shi1 zi1 pian1
  5. 十喩篇 shi2 yu4 pian1
  6. 内九箴篇 nei4 jiu3 zhen1 pian1
  7. 氣爲道本篇 qi4 wei4 dao4 ben3 pian1
  8. 信毀交報篇 xin4 hui3 jiao1 bao4 pian1
  9. 品藻衆書篇 pin3 zao3 zhong4 shu1 pian1
  10. 出道僞謬篇 chu1 dao4 wei4 miu4 pian1
  11. 歴代相承篇 li4 dai4 xiang4 cheng2 pian1
  12. 歸心有地篇 gui1 xin1 you3 di4 pian1

  13. This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

    Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02