WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts
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Texts associated with 參學【妙源可宣無隱梵閱德溢惟俊法雲德惟似涇如阜似藻至源文衡惟价文愷以文無補法光道準禧會紹賢正一淨嘉尚賢】

參學【妙源可宣無隱梵閱德溢惟俊法雲德惟似涇如阜似藻至源文衡惟价文愷以文無補法光道準禧會紹賢正一淨嘉尚賢】 can1 xue2 miao4 yuan2 ke3 xuan1 wu2 yin3 fan4 yue4 de2 yi4 wei2 jun4 fa3 yun2 de2 wei2 si4 jing1 ru2 fu4 si4 zao3 zhi4 yuan2 wen2 heng2 wei2 jie4 wen2 kai3 yi3 wen2 wu2 bu3 fa3 guang1 dao4 zhun3 xi3 hui4 shao4 xian2 zheng4 yi1 jing4 jia1 shang4 xian2

There is one text connected with 參學【妙源可宣無隱梵閱德溢惟俊法雲德惟似涇如阜似藻至源文衡惟价文愷以文無補法光道準禧會紹賢正一淨嘉尚賢】 in this database:

  1. Z1210658 虛堂智愚禪師語錄

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02