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Authors (Translators, Commentators etc.) #12

This list allows access to the texts by author. The order is by number of texts attributed to this author, in descending order.

The table gives the name, Chinese reading (Pinyin) and the number of texts

Author Reading Number of texts
»ñ¼æ feng4 tan2 1
¹ê­^ shi2 ying1 1
ÆFªi ling2 bo1 1
¸t¸à sheng4 quan2 1
¼f­¼ shen3 cheng2 1
¹ØÆF shou4 ling2 1
¹ê¥° shi2 hong2 1
¿Ë¶ê qin1 yuan2 1
¼W¬K zeng1 chun1 1
´¶¾÷ pu3 ji1 1
©vºÕ zong1 zhen1 1
©¾ºâ zhong1 suan4 1
¥òºâ jie4 suan4 1
²M½d qing1 fan4 1
ºF¦w can2 an1 1
Å@©R hu4 ming4 1
¹ê¼y shi2 lao3 1
¸t¦u sheng4 shou3 1
­s®ü zhen1 hai3 1
ÃÒÁI zheng4 chan2 1
©vªk®v zong1 fa3 shi1 1
¥Èèû xuan2 rui4 1
´L³q zun1 tong1 1
«H°í xin4 jian1 1
´LÅG zun1 bian4 1
ºaµM rong2 ran2 1
±ÐµÏ jiao4 shun4 1
¿Ë§Ö qin1 kuai4 1
¾Ë²` xian4 shen1 1
²`½å shen1 xian2 1
¹D±Ð dao4 jiao4 1
ı¦¨ jue2 cheng2 1
¤¸®ü yuan2 hai3 1
¼e«H kuan1 xin4 1
½åı xian2 jue2 1
ı¦L jue2 yin4 1
´f¤° hui4 shi2 1
¥ÃÄY yong3 yan2 1
¯uÅA zhen1 yu4 1
¼e§U kuan1 zhu4 1
¤¯®ü ren2 hai3 1
¯u±I¿Ë¤ý zhen1 ji4 qin1 wang2 1
©Ðı fang2 jue2 1
¼w¤@ de2 yi1 1
¸g´M jing1 xun2 1
«HÃÒ xin4 zheng4 1
¦¨´L cheng2 zun1 1
ı¤d jue2 qian1 1
¤F¯Î liao3 weng1 1
¨}´f liang2 hui4 1
·½»¨ yuan2 hao2 1
ÄY»¨ yan2 hao2 1
¼á»¨ cheng2 hao2 1
¨}¯§ liang2 you4 1
¥ú©v guang1 zong1 1
ÀRµM jing4 ran2 1
ªø®b chang2 yan4 1
¬Ó¼y huang2 lao3 1
³Ì¶ê zui4 yuan2 1
·q¥ú jing4 guang1 1
±©½å wei2 xian2 1
¥ú©w guang1 ding4 1
¼z¤ë hui4 yue4 1
ªiù£¨ºÀ±±Ë¨F bo1 luo2 qu2 na3 mi2 she3 sha1 1
¹¬©Í¦hÄô¦h seng1 da2 duo1 bo4 duo1 1
§¨¥ li3 yan2 1
¥þ¯u quan2 zhen1 1
´¼¼s zhi4 guang3 1
§ÆÅï xi1 lin2 1
§õ®v¬F li3 shi1 zheng4 1
¼z°í hui4 jian1 1
®L¾ðªÚ xia4 shu4 fang1 1
¦õ¦õ¤ì¾Ë¼w zuo3 zuo3 mu4 xian4 de2 1
´¼Ä± zhi4 jue2 1
±`ÂÔ chang2 jin3 1
²b¼z jing4 hui4 1
©sÄm©¾ meng4 xian4 zhong1 1
¤ß®õ xin1 tai4 1
ÆF¾Þ ling2 cao1 1
¦µ¥Ãµ½ po1 yong3 shan4 1
³³©ú¼ç tao2 ming2 qian2 1
µ½Àé shan4 can4 1
µL·Å wu2 wen1 1
¶ê®© yuan2 wu4 1
¾è¨q tan2 xiu4 1
¹D¿Ä dao4 rong2 1
³q¦° tong1 xu4 1
©ú³ß ming2 xi3 1
®©¶i wu4 jin4 1
¬ö½® ji4 yin1 1
¤jÀ¤ da4 huo4 1
¥°Àx hong2 chu3 1
ªG©Ê guo3 xing4 1
¦p¯Â ru2 chun2 1
Æ[²z guan1 li3 1
¨}ºâ liang2 suan4 1
¼W¶P zeng1 he4 1
¨qªk®v xiu4 fa3 shi1 1
Âîü zang4 hai3 1
§Ö¾Ë kuai4 xian4 1
¦w¼á an1 cheng2 1

Continued in next file...

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02