WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts
Div. Authors Periods Taisho (Nr. Vol.) Trip.Kor. (Nr. Vol.) 中華 (Nr. Vol.) Nanjio Other

Texts associated with 安然

安然 an1 ran2

There is a total of 14 texts associated with 安然 in this database:

Texts associated with 安然 are known in the following periods/areas:

  1. T55N2176 諸阿闍梨真言密教部類總錄
  2. T61N2228 金剛峰樓閣一切瑜祇經修行法
  3. T74N2381 普通授菩薩戒廣釋
  4. T75N2390 胎藏界大法對受記
  5. T75N2391 金剛界大法對受記
  6. T75N2392 蘇悉地對受記
  7. T75N2393 觀中院撰定事業灌頂具足支分
  8. T75N2394 大日經供養持誦不同
  9. T75N2395A 教時諍
  10. T75N2395B 教時諍論
  11. T75N2396 真言宗教時義
  12. T75N2397 胎藏金剛菩提心義略問答鈔
  13. T84N2702 悉曇藏
  14. T84N2703 悉曇十二例

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Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02