WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts
Div. Authors Periods Taisho (Nr. Vol.) Trip.Kor. (Nr. Vol.) 中華 (Nr. Vol.) Nanjio Other

Texts associated with 鳩摩羅什

鳩摩羅什 jiu1 mo2 luo2 shi2

There is a total of 49 texts associated with 鳩摩羅什 in this database:

Texts associated with 鳩摩羅什 are known in the following periods/areas:
北涼 姚秦 後秦 

  1. T01N0035 佛說海八德經
  2. T02N0123 佛說放牛經
  3. T04N0201 大莊嚴論經
  4. T04N0208 眾經撰雜譬喻
  5. T08N0223 摩訶般若波羅蜜經
  6. T08N0227 小品般若波羅蜜經
  7. T08N0235 金剛般若波羅蜜經
  8. T08N0245 佛說仁王般若波羅蜜經
  9. T08N0250 摩訶般若波羅蜜大明咒經
  10. T09N0262 妙法蓮華經
  11. T10N0286 十住經
  12. T10N0307 佛說莊菩提心經
  13. T12N0335 佛說須摩提菩薩經
  14. T12N0366 佛說阿彌陀經
  15. T12N0382 集一切福德三昧經
  16. T12N0389 佛垂般涅槃略說教誡經
  17. T13N0420 自在王菩薩經
  18. T14N0426 佛說千佛因緣經
  19. T14N0454 佛說彌勒下生成佛經
  20. T14N0456 佛說彌勒大成佛經
  21. T14N0464 文殊師利問菩提經
  22. T14N0475 維摩詰所說經
  23. T14N0482 持世經
  24. T14N0484 不思議光菩薩所說經
  25. T15N0586 思益梵天所問經
  26. T15N0613 禪祕要法經
  27. T15N0614 坐禪三昧經
  28. T15N0615 菩薩訶色欲法經
  29. T15N0616 禪法要解
  30. T15N0617 思惟略要法
  31. T15N0625 大樹緊那羅王所問經
  32. T15N0642 佛說首楞嚴三昧經
  33. T15N0650 諸法無行經
  34. T15N0653 佛藏經
  35. T16N0657 佛說華手經
  36. T16N0703 燈指因緣經
  37. T19N0988 孔雀王咒經
  38. T23N1436 十誦比丘波羅提木叉戒本
  39. T24N1484 梵網經
  40. T25N1509 大智度論
  41. T26N1521 十住毘婆沙論
  42. T30N1564 中論
  43. T30N1568 十二門論
  44. T30N1569 百論
  45. T32N1646 成實論
  46. T32N1659 發菩提心經論
  47. T50N2046 馬鳴菩薩傳
  48. T50N2047 龍樹菩薩傳
  49. T50N2048 提婆菩薩傳

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0 Last modified: 1.2.1998